[color=lavender]"Well, I've been pretty begrudging of this - I might sound a little picky in the friends I choose, but I don't know these people. Their flaws are more glaring than their virtues. Anyways, here we go: The first I've seen of Mauve, I was impressed. She's a capable huntress with a level head, doesn't play games, and I can appreciate that. But the more time I've spent at Beacon, the more I got to learn about her. She's very vocal about her distrust of Ozpin. I didn't get that. Rumor went around that it's because she blames him for the accident that befell her teammate. When I see her now, it's harder to see the huntress than the entitled brat she stands behind. I got hurt by the Grimm too, but the only person I could blame was myself. I was reckless, and as I hear it, so was her friend. We all have to own up to our mistakes. As for Miss Mina, well, she's a pretty face, but I can't say I particularly care for her. Her skill set can be put to use - somewhere - but I still won't trust her as far as I can throw her. I mean, I can throw her pretty far, but that's not the point! The point is, if she aims herself at Meral or I, there's going to be problems. If she stays civil, lovely! May she have many restful nights as long as she knows what the boundaries are. I don't actually know that Steele boy very well. I just know he's tall, doesn't talk much, and spends a bit of time with that other, mind-blowingly short engineer. I get the impression that there's a lot more to him than what he shows us, but it can't be anything insidious if he doesn't trip my radar. I'm not going to pry, it's none of my business. Neither am I going to go out of my way to accommodate him. If he wants to talk, he should be the one to break the ice. Anything else would be selfish. Speaking of Steele's short friend - Cyra. I readily know her name as an engineer. Word has it she knows her way around a workshop. That shield of hers is apparently her creation. It's... something. Not my style, personally, but... its definitely a piece of work, I will admit it. Not very intuitive, I'd think. A shield? With four modes? That's over complicating it if you ask me. Whatever, I guess she seems like an alright girl. Seems like the harmless sort. She's shorter than Meral, which I didn't even think was possible! We might get along. Raye, on the other hand, I can't even put a finger on. I'd take the road of caution and veer away. A peculiar duality of that degree in a guy's personality is unpredictable and chaotic, and I'd go as far as labeling him a hazard. As frosting on top of this crazy-cake, he looks at us humans with doe-eyed agitation. If some chord snaps in his head and he decides to go haywire - he isn't so tough or buff enough to cause me any problems, but anyone else? I just can't take any chances with this Raye guy. Daedalus... I've only ever seen him. I don't really want to tangle with him. Rarely do I see anybody bigger or stronger than me, but it might help that he's Faunus. But I don't feel any bad energy from him. I don't know what to expect from him, but when it comes down to it, I hope he's on my side. Oh, and Meral! *laughs*[/color]