Orange Shards: Abundant, cheap, and quickly depleted. Provides energy, and multiplies energy currents. Blue Shards: Common, cheap, long life, slower and consistent energy release. Red Shards: Common, moderately inexpensive, quickly depleted, releases combustion energy bursts, can intensify currents. Purple Shards: Uncommon, somewhat inexpensive, long life, stores energy. Yellow Shards: Rare, pricey, long life, emits steady "sunlight" energy, glows. Green Shards: Uncommon, expensive, long life, emits greater amounts of energy, multiplies energy currents efficiently. Black Shards: Uncommon, moderately inexpensive, short life, emits energy disrupting shockwaves, can produce kinetic light energy. White Shards: Uncommon, expensive, long life, focuses energy into concentrated beams, or refracts energy into widely spread beams. Rainbow Shard: Only One Exists, Unknown Purpose, Unknown Location.