[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DYdkL5x.png[/img][/center] [b][u] Cleim, Priuca [/u][/b] Somewhere within the templeship was a darkened room, illuminated by only a few flickering lights, hiding in the darkness was Grana as a faint humandoid silhouette feminine in feature, she sat watching a repeated loops of footage of Bhaman's escape and the attacking by the Priucan Military that had enabled her escape in the first place. Needles to say, Grana was not pleased as her eyes were glowing a crimson red in pure, if controlled rage. "You little shits..." She hissed as a clawed metallic hand reached out to the holo screen, the images obscured and dematerializing "You interrupted the reformation process and now one got away...because of you ungrateful creatures." Grana retracted her hand back into the darkness, remaining ever more silent for but a few brief moments, the holo projection restored to its original state. "I won't let you leave just like that...my little lost lamb." she said in a eerily soft and caring tone in her voice. "You will be one with us, my child, and soon all your people will embrace their Ascension." Outside of the Templeship, the hordes of the Collective had slowly turned the city into a blasted landscape. Their machines and monsters tearing the city apart, piece by piece as makeshift fortifications were erected with a blend of their own materials and that of their surroundings, spiked walls and battlements blocking every vital route leading to the Templeship as Grana held the city in her iron grip. Drones patrolling the skies and streets, and going as far as harassing any military forces that dared to intrude upon Grana's new domain. A lone dropship however had flew far from the others, patrolling the highways for any survivors, accompied by a small brood of recon drones, they had provided a wider range of sight for the larger drone dropship until it had finally found its prey, one of the recon drones had spotted a small group of natives, the drones had immediately scattered, circling around the targets at a far distance, ready to rush in and provide light supports for the soldiers within the dropship if need be. The dropship itself fired up its thrusters as it dashed towards the survivors traveling through the cluttered highway. [b][u] Domain of Garui World of Zeon Greenzone Three, Garui's Citadel [/u][/b] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/7eac/f/2015/027/3/0/307b82909fb16beee5d6abef09879df4-d8flqp5.jpg[/img] Garui, in his usual deceivingly frail frame, stood in an observatory of sorts, watching below as his experimental soldiers were undergoing extensive combat training and simulations, such a continuous and straining program would be downright lethal for the nonaugmented, however, his Ascendant Army have thus far proven to be fine and sturdy warriors. He continued to observe his experiments, just as he had felt the door behind him sliding open, followed by heavy metallic footsteps. He turned, his featureless face meeting the more expressive Magnus. "Checking up on my little project?" Garui asked, despite lacking a "face", the very tone of his digitized voice could easily be deciphered as very "irked". Magnus, as well as some of the others, had often been visiting the good "Doctor" for the past few months since the Totalists arrived, and recently the crusading Hexanagallions, both of their gains causing great distress to both the Queen and the rest of the Seven, and as such, Garui's prototype Ascendant Legion is needed. "Why of course." Magnus replied, approaching Garui until he stood by by, observing the rather impressive army below. "Time is of the essence, our enemies are encroaching upon us, the Queen is becoming anxious." "I'm quite fully aware of the rather dire situation at the fringe systems." Garui said. "However, a work of art, [i]my[/i] work of art, is not simply something to be rushed." Magnus turned to face Garui, a frowning expression forming. "Regardless, the Queen expects immediate results if we are to survive." Magnus said. "And my answer is the same as before." Garui responded. "I need time to-" "And you can spend some more time on your little project." Magnus interrupted. "All I ask is that we are to be given command of a small detachment of your Ascendant soldiers...think of it as a proper field test of their durability. Before the final deployment." Garui was silent for a minute before finally given his answer. ".....very well, if this will please the Queen and if I can be finally left alone in peace." Magnus grinned. "A very good decision, my friend." he said. Now satisfied with his answer, Magnus turned and had left the room, off to collect Garui's Ascendant. Garui turned his attention back to the Ascendant and proceeded to observe. [b][u] Kasius, New Izuno Rebel Command and Operations Center [/u][/b] Celebratory cheers echoed through the halls of the makeshift Command Structure. Members of the command staff in the Central Ops Room embracing one another, clapping their hands or were just jumping with joy. Victories were an uncommon thing in the past, but at the time, were hollow, even if the rebellion won the day, in the end, the Collective as still whole and far larger then anything they threw at the rebels. The rebels, only connected by their own interstellar network and few barely put together transport ships, were still very isolated and weakened. However, this victory was something truly meaningful, with the arrival of the Hexanagallion Fleet now hanging in orbit of Kasius, a glimmer of hope now sparks in the hearts of all of the Kasian Rebels. Itinus Kosh made a satisfactory expression as best as an Aldzur could, nodding his head as the holo-projection of New Izuno city became a brighter shade of green as his forces and that of the HRF slowly secured the city. "Commander Yatu." General Kosh said, his second-in-command standing by him. "Contact the Hexanagallion Leaders, we may have just found a new ally in our struggle." [b][u]Palatine[/u][/b] David pulled out his pistol as the mystery commandos approached the store he and his team currently were taking residence in, he slowly backed away as they closed in. "Guys!" he tried to call his team as quietly as possible, not wanting to alert the commandos. He was much closer now to his team, and saw very little use in being quiet. "Oh fuck it.." he said before raising his voice, getting both the attention of his now half-awake squad, the new arrivals and the commandos. "Guys! We got company!" Cila and Jessica quickly rose up as they both pulled out their own pistols.