Koriand'r was not a specifically easy opponent. She was a trained warrior with capabilities no human man could dream of. Once she was surrounded she took flight, taking into the air and holding out her arm as she prepared to use her a starbolt. She tried to give what she assumed would be a useless declaration of peace." Ruth'bargtar! Komolin'dar!" She shouted as her hand began to glow it's telltale pink. Her enemies however did not back down, and she blasted one with a hot starbolt. Another gripped her ankle midflight and dragged her around and slammed her into the ground. For a moment she did not move, instead anger flooded her body and she shot into the beast fist first. She cursed in Tamaranian, not wishing to bring harm to the creatures she did not recognize. But they had first attacked her, so naturally she had no option. Her voice was much more serious, dangerous even." Ruth'bargtar! Komolin'dar." But they did not seem to stop but she opted not to blast with her starbolts again. The angered alien teenager took flight again, speeding off, leaving behind a trail of light that lasted only a few seconds behind her. She glanced over her shoulder for only a moment before her hallway ended and she slammed into the wall at a high speed. Flying indoors was not particularly safe for a disoriented teenager, so through the wall she went. She bounced at first hitting the floor and skidding some distance. She skid across the room and into the next wall, leaving a good dent but not enough to go through it. She groaned and attempted to stand from her indent but found it rather difficult to do so. As another small group of genomorph's approached she let out an angry call, raising her hand and shooting out another hot starbolt, already getting drained.