[hider=CR-089 "Cro"] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/38/ImperialNavyCommandoOfficer_TFU_Wii.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100507220426[/img] Stormtrooper classification: Navy Commando Designation: CR-089 Military Ranking: Private Nickname: Cro (Pronounced "Crow") Race/species: Human Planetary Origin: Nar Shaddaa Gender: Male Armor appearance: Black pauldron. He has modified his left pauldron to be able to attach a [url=https://gyazo.com/61f33802aed6b090149a47a0f8c3b8ae]bird beak[/url] style decoration that also functions as additional armor. Otherwise, what it looks like in the above image. Personality: Cynical, snarky, and sometimes downright rude. He has a quip for every occasion, even if it might be viewed as a 'bad time' for jokes by some. He is very level headed and doesn't often let his emotions cloud his judgment, both in and out of combat. And he can usually be considered a pretty relaxed person. He feels awkward expressing deep emotions, especially when trying to convey his care for friends/loved ones. Cro can also sometimes be quite self-detrimental, though first impressions might make it seem as if it's the exact opposite if you were to take his joking egotistical statements to heart. Appearance: His raven black hair is cut short, falling just to the bottom of his earlobes. Sharp green colored eyes, accompanied by a sharp - if a little average - face. He is 6'2 and somewhat lankier than his comrades, though he is still completely fit and combat-ready. History: He was born on Nar Shaddaa, and raised by the lowlives and thugs that inhabit it. With no parents he can remember, he lived in the alleyways and tucked away corners of the Smuggler's Moon. His only goals in life while he lived there were to find his next meal - and maybe a nice sleeping spot if he were lucky. But as both of these thins got increasingly rare, he came across a holo-flier of the esteemed Imperial Stormtrooper Corp. Cro didn't particularly want to risk his life in the Imperial Army, but he hadn't really developed many skills other than robbing & stealing, and both of those things were getting increasingly dangerous as he grew older. With not much choice he submitted an application into the Imperial Army, and it was accepted sometime later. Having done surprisingly well in the test, he was appointed as an Imperial Navy Commando; a special forces subdivision of the Stormtrooper Corp specializing in what was essential guard duty of various Imperial facilities across the galaxy. Cro was quite happy with his position, he didn't have to charge out onto the front lines, and it was enough to put food in his belly. He specialized in patrol, surveillance, and even a bit of AT-ST piloting [/hider]