[@Neurovoid] [@smarty0114] [@Fabricant451] [img]https://s3.postimg.org/klvtv0jib/corll.png[/img] [i]Corll chuckled and stood up. He flexed his arms out, elbow joints popping. He leaned directly over Allison, looming behind all three girls like how an eagle hovers over its nest.[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Fine then, but I'm not gonna screw your mom. I'm gonna beat her ass up with a shovel. See you during visiting hours at the hospital. I'm going to your house right fucking now."[/color] [i]Incredibly, Corll actually began carrying through with his threat, which under normal circumstances would have been scarcely credible. He left the bleachers and began striding purposefully away, bad intent in his eyes.[/i]