"Yeah I here you loud and clear," Deadshot answered Ravager as he was dressed up as a police officer as he walked out security room. "Everything all set, but there maybe a problem here something is going downstairs and something tells me it's not friendly," Deadshot said as into his earpiece as he took one more look at the footage of Starfire fighting Genomorphs and closed the door behind him. "I'm going to get changed now so if were going to do this mission we best start doing it soon. as he walked down the hall and went into the janitor's room to grab out a bag filled with weapons and his coustume. [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/abf7/i/2013/334/a/e/deadshot_by_phil_cho-d6w7mcd.jpg[/img] -------------------------- "But why do you say that they have to trust us come on Speedy we known each other for years even though this HQ is not as big as we thought it to be it's still not that bad i bet you we'll get are moment to shine soon enough," Kid Flash tried to convince his friend from not leaving even putting his hand oh is shoulder as he tried to smile to lighten the mood.