Hello Capra, thank you very much for doing this. You have a very well thought out plan here. I am looking forward to contributing to the story once we get started. I do have a question regarding nationality of potential characters. Cygnus Military Solutions (CMS) is a UK-based Private Military Corporation (PMC). The commander of [i]Blackbeards[/i] is a former US Navy SEAL who appears to have been a senior Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) at one time (E7 or E8 maybe), while serving under arms of the United States Navy. This implies that membership in CMS comes from either the US or UK. Would CMS membership be open to any nation in NATO? or in the UN? NATO keeps everyone in the same global political sphere, whereas UN opens wide that nasty can of worms. Would a former Russian Spetsnaz trooper as an example, be a viable applicant to Cygnus Military Solutions? When you created this idea, did you have nations of origin in mind, you want applicants coming from?