Speedy thought about opening his mouth to explain that the Hall of Justice was just a forefront for tourists, but, with the way they were reacting to everything, it wouldn't change things, even if he told them. "Waiting, waiting, waiting, that's all I've been doing for the past three years!" He angrily responded to just about everyone, as he shoved Kid Flash's hand off of him. "I'm a hero, and I don't need people like the League pushing me back, cutting me off from the real deal, as they tell me, when to go, how to go, where to go, and why not to go, with little to no reason. If this is how they're going to treat us, It's clear to me I'd be better off on my own." He angrily explained, as he shoved his way past Robin and Kid Flash, exiting out of the room without another word. Robin's mouth gaped open, as he simply stood there, staring at the place where Speedy just was. '[i]He's not right, is he?[/i]' The thought floated through his head. The Boy Wonder had no idea Speedy even felt this way, as it was clear he'd had this anger and frustration bent up inside of him for quite some time, they all did. Robin wondered, just how close was everyone else to going off the edge, leaving for good, how close was he? Not even the young detective knew the answer. Suddenly, the computer started giving off an alarm, as the monitor quickly flashed on to reveal Superman himself. "Superman to Justice League," he called out for the team. Suddenly, Batman, followed by the rest of the Leaguers, flooded back out into the library, as they heard Superman's distress signal. They all looked on at the monitor, up at Superman, waiting to hear his report, as they basically all ignored the younger kids. "I've got a report that there was an explosion in one of the labs at Lexcorp, it's started a fire." He explained. "This may present the perfect opportunity to-" Batman was suddenly cut off, as another alarm went off. Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern, appeared in the corner of the screen, in a small window, covering up most of Superman's right chest. "Green Lantern to Justice League, the sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Aten to blot out the sun. Requesting full League response." Jordan relayed his own predicament. There was a small pause, as Batman turned over to Superman's portion of the screen, "Superman?" "It's reported to be a small fire, Luthor's already taking all of the proper procedures to get it under control, and everyone to safety. It should be under control." Superman reasoned. "Then we'll take care of the bigger threat." Batman told Superman, along with the Leaguers beside him. He walked over to the computer, as he held in a single key on the keyboard. "All Leaguers rendezvous at Hal Jordan's coordinates, Batman out." The message was sent out to every member of the Justice League, across the globe. He took his finger off of the button, as he turned to face the sidekicks. "Sounds like you guys could use all the hands you can get; wherever you want us, Batman." Robin took center-stage, in front of the group, as he tried to stay as emotionless as possible; this was the bigger problem to solve, with or without Speedy. "Wait, where's Roy?" Green Arrow questioned the group, only now noticing his disappearance. "He-" Robin almost whispered, as Batman quickly cut him off. The Dark Knight squinted in agitation, as he stared down at Speedy's hat, lying on the floor, forgotten by its' owner. "We'll discuss it later. Right now, this mission requires the full attention of all League members. For now, you four need to stay put." Batman gave a nod to Green Arrow, before giving a look to each and every one of the teens. Robin clenched his fists angrily, but rested them soon after, as he let out a sigh. "Stay put." Batman said it once more, quieter, as it seemed to be directed more to his own sidekick. With this, Batman led the Justice League members back into the restricted room, as they prepared to use a zeta beam to quickly travel to Lantern's location. Once again, the teens were left alone.