[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EyaNvXO.jpg[/img] Rory Tomlin / Suzie Trifle Male/gender-fluid Gay / Bi-curious in drag 26 / Oct 5th 6'1" 165lbs Maywood, NJ Drag queen / waiter Rory is a creative person who is trying to make his drag name known to the world. Or at least the greater tumblr community. Living in Jersey, he spends his weekends with friends in New York, performing as Suzie Trifle in drag shows at bars and clubs or just partying. He has no sobby backstory; his mom (a physiotherapist) and stepdad (an electrician) live in a suburb, are embarrassingly normal and excepting and he has a great relationship with his younger stepsister. When he came out their combined reactions were "we kind of knew". While performing as Suzie Trifle his favorite songs to lip sync are What You Waiting For by Gwen Stefani and anything off the Spice Girls' first album. As far as Rory's personal life goes, he's currently single, casually looking, and loves his pet rats. Their names are Bert and Ernie and they are very important to him. His Instagram is mostly pics of Suzie or his rats. He likes to draw, which he did more of in high school, now he mostly just doodles and sketches. Keeps saying that one day he's going to start a YouTube channel for makeup tutorials, but he never does. He's a fan of bright colours, stupid cartoons and 90s music. Generally looks on the brighter side and can't really hold a grudge, he's usually the neutral ground when his friends argue and often times the voice of reason. These are traits that sometimes only show once you get to know him, because his quirkiness and loud humor often lead people to believe Rory to be more emotional and foolish. [img]https://i.imgur.com/BQwlewa.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iScbzTQ.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7bvEk3q.jpg[/img]Bert & Ernie[/center]