[center][img]http://www.featherofme.com/wp-content/uploads/Richard-Benning-ice.jpg[/img][/center] [color=a36209]"We don't have much information. The Feds either don't have any more information for us on this mission, or they don't want to tell us about something. Knowing the Federation it's the latter. The [i]Gladius[/i] sent a communications signal to the base and there was no reply. We're basically going in dark, I agree we should be very careful. Everyone going on the mission will go armed and ready for a fight, but we won't charge in guns blazing."[/color] Callum stated as he turned his gaze towards Scarleth, responding to her words. Then Jesse volunteered, which made Callum roll his eyes. Perhaps he'd get lucky and that idiot would get himself trapped in ice somewhere on the world. Everyone else in the group chimed in, one after another. They seemed to be excited, he couldn't blame them for that. Jackal, the large reptilian stated that he was going to stay with the ship. A sensible choice for someone of his species, though he was a force in a fight from what Callum had seen during the outbreak he didn't want to get the creature angry. Someone did need to stay on the ship. Even a bone chilling frozen world would seem like a vacation to a group that had been trapped in a space prison. Meanwhile the ship entered the orbit of the world, as it broke through the thick clouds the vessel hurtled towards the surface of the snow and ice covered world. Massive glaciers covered the world, many of them taller than the highest skyscrapers on Earth. A metallic base sat in the mountains near a frozen lake, its design and colors made it stand out amongst the sea of whiteness. On one side of the research facility was an open hangar with enough room for the [i]Gladius[/i] to squeeze right in comfortably. Jesse firing off his revolver drew Callum's attention, he nearly clocked the man right in the face for it. He stared up at where the shot landed, leaving a thick black mark on the ceiling. A mini argument had broken out, Callum stayed silent during it as he waited from them to finish. As they did the ship parked itself in the hangar. The bounty hunter Reeves pitched in to say he was coming along. The Lanun, was the last one to speak up as she stated she'd stay on the ship. So two would guard the [i]Gladius[/i], everyone else would go on the mission. [color=a36209]"Alright, two stay on to watch the ship, everyone else goes on the mission."[/color] Callum stated as he glanced around at the group. Then he departed the bridge along with some of others as everyone got ready to leave the safe confines of the ship. Moments later the Pirate King returned in his armor, his trusty rifle slung onto his back. The now fully armed team of criminals looked ready for anything. The airlock came open with a hiss and the dangerous seven exited the [i]Gladius[/i], the ship locking up behind them. The hangar was barren and devoid of any signs of life, four smaller ships were spread around it. Each of them were empty. Callum took the first step into the inside of the research base, the doors came open automatically. He thought briefly that they'd be sealed shut and the team would have to blow their way in, but he was wrong with that line of thinking. He stepped into a long hallway, then internally groaned at the sight that the team has stumbled upon. Broken bodies. Three of them, in identical suits of light armor. They did not look like scientists, perhaps some of the security of the base. Each of them humans, long dead as they had been gruesomely killed. There was no blood despite that holes littered each of the bodies, the corpse closest to the group looked as if he had been running for the hangar when he killed. The two others were towards the other side, weapons near them. [color=a36209]"These are not the scientists, nor do I believe they did this to these men..."[/color] Callum muttered as he looked at the corpses. He carefully stepped over the bodies as he made his way down the hallway, the door at the other end then came open. The group entered it, there were still no signs of life. The entire base was silent, the only sound the hum of the heater warming up the building. The room they had entered into was some kind of clearance area, another dead guard laid by a desk to the side. No blood like the previous three. A layout of the base was on one of the walls. The hangar was on one side of the facility, the living quarters and security area were near them. All of the research labs were located in the center of the base. Callum lead the group towards the main laboratory. It was the largest part of the building, test tubes, machinery, charts and computers sat around the room. There were no signs of the scientists. No bodies either. [color=a36209]"We should spread out, looks like we're the only ones alive in this entire place. Should figure out what killed the guards and what happened to the scientists."[/color] Callum stated as he walked towards one side of the lab, he took off his helmet than began to go through collected data. Perhaps there was a clue, anything would help. They had nothing to go off of.