[quote=@Shazbot21] "Yeah I here you loud and clear," Deadshot answered Ravager as he was dressed up as a police officer as he walked out security room. "Everything all set, but there maybe a problem here something is going downstairs and something tells me it's not friendly," Deadshot said as into his earpiece as he took one more look at the footage of Starfire fighting Genomorphs and closed the door behind him. "I'm going to get changed now so if were going to do this mission we best start doing it soon. as he walked down the hall and went into the janitor's room to grab out a bag filled with weapons and his coustume. [/quote] "Please, everyone, remain calm." A security officer asked off Bane's tour group, as he stood in front of them, blocking them from proceeding any farther. "Mm, I have problems here too, friends." Bane whispered in response to Deadshot's comments, as he slowly started to back away, distancing himself from the rest of the group. He guided himself along the wall, searching for a door, any door, for him to slip into, and disappear. "There's been a small explosion in one of our labs upstairs, for your safety, I'm going to have to ask the lot of you to exit the building as soon as possible. Your money for the tours will be refunded if desired, just check with the guys out front." The guard explained to the group, as he pointed back to the way they came, where there were a number of exits for them to disperse from. His eyes suddenly diverted over to the suspicious hooded man. "Hey, you!" He called out angrily, as he watched Bane go in an opposite direction from everyone else. "Where do you think you're going!?" The security guard stormed over to Bane, as he grabbed onto his shoulder. Bane sighed angrily, as he was just about to slip away through a door too. He stood there, still, as he carefully contemplated his next move. If he went all out, berserk, with this many people around, the Justice League could be called in, and that was the last thing they wanted. But, at the same time, he had a job to finish. "Just hang on right here, buddy." The security guard ordered, as he leaned down to the walkie-talkie clipped onto his shirt. "Yeah, Troy, we got a wanderer down here. Can you come down and escort him out? I have to finish up evacuating the rest of the civilians." "You don't want to do that, little guy." Bane said in a very threatening tone, as he looked over his shoulder, casting a furious glance at the guard. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ravager continued to watch Lex's every move, as he watched the businessman fumble around, angry and stressful. "He's distracted; he won't be at the top of his game if we hit him now." Ravager relayed to the rest of the team, as he sat up for a moment, fumbling through his duffelbag. "Keep moving, Deadshot; find the Blockbuster." Finally, Ravager pulled out an enormous rocket launched, as he hoisted it over his shoulder, and carefully aimed the weapon at Lex's office, well, more specifically, at Lex.