"This is gonna be sweet!" Kid Flash said excitedly and ran off to the beam before anyone could say anything. "Does he ever slow down?" Donna chuckled, though she was slightly nervous about the mission. Even though she had been on many missions much more dangerous than this with Wonder Woman, she didn't know how the outcome would turn out with the other teens. She didn't doubt their abilities as individuals, but their ability to work as a team. When she turned around to ask Robin a question, he had already disappeared. ~~~~~ [h3]Metropolis[/h3] [i]July 4, 13:37 EDT[/i] The team arrived via zeta tube outside of Lex Corp. There didn't seem to be any evidence of a fire- no flames, no smoke, no ash, not even the smell. The only evidence that something was wrong was the surprisingly calm and steady flow of people out of the building. Maybe Lex did have everything under control. "I think we should go in and search for the fire," Donna said. The Amazon way was the direct way, very much the opposite of Batman's strategic hiding and gathering information. She never considered it before, but her methods of fighting crime would be much different than the others, especially Robin's.