Chance wove his hand in front of his face, momentarily shielding his closed eyes from the intense white light that was now bathing the room, before long white turned to red, and the momentary silence grew into the deafening roar of an alarm accompanied by screaming. His eyes shot open, blinking a few times as he adjusted to his new surroundings. He shifted his head from side to side, his eyes darting around to take in the new environment, it was then that Chance realized where he was, and it was also at this point that Chance took note of the automated voice issuing commands over the loud-speaker. [color=ed1c24]"Please stay calm, and make your way to the nearest exit immediately. This is not a drill."[/color] The voice said over the speaker, again and again. Chance closed his eyes, concentrating. There was no way he could get all these people far enough away before full fission was completed, so instead he decided upon (hopefully) stopping the meltdown. Chance reached out his hands, brushing them on a nearby wall, he closed his eyes tighter, focusing as much as he could with all the commotion around him, he could [i]feel[/i] the metal around him, he could differentiate the steel from the iron, the iron from the alloy, the alloy from the copper ETC. He could sense the disturbances in the Electromagnetic field, allowing him to locate exactly where the central reactor is as well as exactly how to get there. Chance rushed down the halls as quickly as possible, hoping to make it in time before the rods began to melt, or even worse, before full fission was achieved and.. Chance shook his head, trying not to let himself think of that possibility, even though this was only a simulation, it felt very much real, and shook him to the core. Chance finally made his way to the central reactor's core, once he was there his fear turned to reality and his heart dropped, fear threatening to take him over. He let out deep breath, hardening his resolve, and set to work. The rods were already beginning to pool at the bottom of the reactor's core which meant that Chance had no way of pushing the coolant into the core to cool it, therefore he had no way of stopping the meltdown, but it wasn't too late yet. The rod's still had their outlining to the core, which just meant that Chance had to give the outline a solid to surround it, something for the coolant to pass through. 'Okay.. Something solid.. I can do that.' Chance thought to himself, straightening out his hand, he began to strip off steel and alloy from the surrounding metal platforms. He wrapped the steel around the outlining of the rods, layer after layer he piled on, hoping the lining would be thick enough to give the coolant enough time to pass through before it's acidic property completely chewed through the metal. Once this was done Chance rushed to the control panel and slammed his hand onto the button, releasing the coolant into the core. Chance froze for a second before his face contorted into that of a huge grin. He did it! his hand shot up in a triumphant manner and he let out a deep breathe he hadn’t realized he was holding. But wait, he didn’t seem to notice any difference in, well, anything. Why was that? His head whipped around to the control panel, it took him a moment, but he finally looked down to the bottom of the panel, which was completely thrashed. Why? He didn’t really have time to question. Chance’s heart dropped and his mind raced, looking for a solution to his newfound obstacle. Chance looked at the core, without the control panel to open the inner valves, he wasn’t sure what to do, and the core was growing closer and closer to complete fission by the second. He could use his localized energy blasts to pop open the valves, but he wasn’t sure that was such a great idea so close to a nuclear reactor. He could also open up the containment zone and open them from the inside, but the small room was flooded with enough radiation to kill a herd of African elephants in a matter of minutes, there’s no way he’d last in there long enough to even think about opening a valve. No, the valves were made out of some kind of specialized metal alloy, he could feel it. He could usually open them no problem, but with such a heavy cloud of radiation interfering with the electromagnetic field, not to mention a large sheet of materials between him and the valves, he wasn’t sure he could do it. But, he had to try. No, he had to do it. Yes, that’s what he told himself, again and again. He closed his eyes and concentrated solely on the valves, he focused on the way the metal felt, it didn’t feel like steel, nor, iron, or anything else around him. He focused on how different they felt than everything else. Yes, he could feel them, stronger and stronger they were until finally... Pop! His eyes shot open as the coolant began to rush into the core. Chance let out a deep sigh, breathing heavily for a moment, a small smile growing on his face.