[quote=Alfhedil] With this in mind, I had an idea for my own nation's military forces. Eisenkreis is a heavily defensive nation that doesn't have an active air-force, with most of their servicemen serving in the Panzer divisions and as Panzergrenadiers. What little non-mounted infantry divisions they do have, I was imagining them as a sort of armored infantry, kind of like from Jin-Roh. Wanted to see what you thought of it before I just dropped it in my sheet as a surprise =D [/quote] Your infantry can wear thick body armor if you want. This body armor would be more like thick metal plates sewn into pouches, it would be heavy, cumbersome, expensive, and have difficulty with high velocity rounds though of some effectiveness against pistol rounds and ricochets. [quote=Rare] Could I join this RP? I love WW2 era with the Nazis trying to take over Europe and failing at it. [/quote] Yes you may.