Swiftly extracting a die from his pocket, otto rolled it within a split second and, using his newfound ocular ability, he predicted the result of his roll in precisely .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 nanoseconds. It would be an 8 and because of this he managed to sidestep, narrowly avoiding the urine. His yo-yo however, was not so lucky and suddenly transformed into a small child and then vanished into the ether plane where it would be subsumed by the collective of gotten kids to feed the INFERNAL CHILDBEING. Otto shuddered at the thought, and briefly lamented the loss of his yo-yo. However, he still had more tricks up his sleeve.[indent][indent][indent][h3][sub][i]Legiterally.[/i][/sub][/h3][/indent][/indent][/indent] Pulling a deck of what appeared to be cards made of industrial ductape, he flicked them through the air where they sliced through, sticking onto anything they came into contact with. He was aiming at the closest surgeon-clone, hoping to get enough on him that he would adhere to his surroundings, rendering him unable to move.