[i]The kid known as K. Kidd sits in the dark and blows his kazoo. He is having fun. But not TOO much fun time as he was stuck in the grasps of the evil surgeon. "I'm kid. come get me" he screams at every one that he sees through his bowl cut bangs. "But before you do I'll tell you a story of my kid hood before becoming the kid I am now. Around 4 years ago when the game Get Kid 3 first came out I was in 2nd grade and my cousin was a senior in High School. During a family reunion I went into his room and he was playing the Playstation 3, he was a bit of a loner, even in the family so I knew he wouldn't talk to me. I looked over to see what game he was playing. It was a game I'd never really seen before.. was it in the call of duty series? Medal of honor? Maybe a new series? He never said a word to me, but he played the game for 5 hours, all with me watching him play it. I finally got the nerve to speak up, as the kid I was, "What game are you playing" I asked, as he was ejecting the disk from the PS3. He said nothing. He simply put the game in its case and handed me the case. [i]Get Kid 3.[/i] As I was looking at the game my parents called to say that we were going home, as I was exiting his room he said, "I play that game all day, it's a pretty new game, if you want to come over and watch me play again you can." And so began our tradition of me going to his house to watch him play Get Kid 3. This continued for months. Me and him because sort of the best of friends even though our age difference, every family get-together we'd rush to his room and play Get Kid 3 for endless hours. We beat the game several times in those months. One day I went to his house and knocked on his door. His mom answered the door crying her eyes out, I was shocked because I'd never ever seen her so sad, I'd never even seen her cry. I asked what was wrong and she said that my cousin couldn't play today. Disappointed I walked home, wondering what would have made her cry. Later that evening I found out. My cousin had been with a group of friends who had been drinking urine bombs. They had tried to drive home and ended up driving into a ditch. The driver was killed, my cousin was in the passenger seat and he was in the hospital, the girl in the back was paralyzed and also in the hospital. The next day I went to the hospital, crying my eyes out because I genuinely cared for my cousin now, and not just for Get Kid 3. That game really made us connect though. The doctors said that my cousin was not expected to live, internal damage had been far too bad. As my cousin lay dying on the hospital bed, he motioned me to come over. He said, "I need you to promise me something if I die." Tears streaming down my eyes I said, "I will promise anything." he told me, "I want you to go down to the store and buy yourself a copy of Get Kid 3, beat that game multiple times over for me, just like we did back at my house." I nodded and promised him I would. I started to walk out of the room when he said, "Wait, I need something else." "What do you need?" I asked. "I need you to...get got, kid" The kazoo kid blew his kazoo once more in a sad tone. He wondered if he would ever get got.[/i]