[quote=@Cynder] Donald Trump skidded down the hallways clutching his shovel. He knew he had to get kid and he knew he had to make kid great again. In order to make kid great again, he would have to win this race. Being stuck in the body of a Disney princess from 2013 wasn't exactly making this easy. But he was ready. He would get kid. [/quote] The lights around Mr Trump flickered, and suddenly there was a shadow at the end of a corridor. There he stood, a lone sentinel. In his hand, a flag, billowing bravely in the dimly lit hallway. On his shoulder, an eagle, stalwart and steadfast. On Trump's mind, his name, his legacy, his identity: Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States. A man of great power. A man who did not have sexual relations with a 14-year old slave. And a man who was out [i]to get kid.[/i] "Our battle was fated." Jefferson declared, burying the flag into the ground and drawing a glock, the most American of all guns. "To allow a man such as you to get kid is something I, Thomas Jefferson, cannot abide by." He throws his petty coat to the side, revealing glistening muscles, well-oiled by the Invisible Hand of capitalism using oil from the Middle East. He aims his glock at Donald Trump as his eyes glow with liberty. His body was channeling the congregate power of the United States, gathered through 44 US Presidencies. A red white and blue aura surrounds him as his eagle, Lincoln F. Washington, merges into his body, granting him majestic eagles wings. Suddenly, he teleports behind Donald Trump. He's fast. "Heh..." Jefferson sheathes his glock, "nothing personnel... kid..." [hider=Picture of Jefferson's Glock][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/M16a1m16a2m4m16a45wi.jpg[/img][/hider]