Bane chuckled, as he stood across from about five unarmed guards. He rolled up his right arm sleeve, as it revealed a peculiar, metal bracer, with a few buttons on it, and three glass cylinders positioned along the back, each containing some sort of red, bubbly liquid. A single tube, coming from somewhere within his sleeve, was connected to the device on his arm. He pressed one of the buttons, as the liquid was released from the glass, into the bracer, and up through the tube. Bane laughed louder and louder, as his physical structure began to change; he grew larger and larger, completely ripping through his hoodie, to reveal his tank top underneath. Even the biggest of the guards began to slowly back away from the monster, as Bane was now about three times his own size. "T-That mask," One of the guards stuttered, as this was the first good look they had gotten of his full face, mask and all, as most of his face was covered by his hood. "It's the Bane!" He yelled out. Bane easily knocked four of the guards out by a simple sway of his hand, as they all hit the wall hard. The last one was the one that had originally stopped Bane in his tracks. The monster chuckled menacingly, as he picked the guard up by the throat, with a single hand. "I told you you were making a mistake." Bane's ruckus had caused the, previously calm, crowd of people around him to run in fear and terror of the sudden appearance of the super-villain. Many people tripped over and pushed one another to reach the exits, in a split-second, the crowd had gone into complete chaos. ----------------------------------------------------- "No way, if we plan on investigating the area, we need to stay hidden; we'll do what we can, but we can't let anybody know we're here, I think we should-" Before Robin could finish, his ears felt like they had almost split in half, as a large explosion went off towards the top of the building, right in Lex Luthor's office. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ravager smirked, as he looked on, pleasantly, at the success of his shot. He threw down his missile launcher, as he quickly pulled out his grapnel gun from his duffel bag. He took out a simple pistol as well, as he hoisted the bag over his shoulder. He held the grapnel gun out in front of him, carefully away from his head, as he took a moment to aim. As soon as he pulled the trigger, two lines shot out from either side of the gun at amazing speeds, as two metal heads on either end search for something to stick into. One head hit the back wall of Luthor's office, as the other hit the side of a taller building behind Ravager. Once both side were secure, he held on tightly to the gun, as he took a running start before jumping off the roof, sliding along his line, and into the cloudy smoke left behind from his weapon, gun ready for when Luthor showed his head. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crowds of people ran out of the building, even more distressed now because of the explosion, most screaming and going on about some sort of monster inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------=----------------- "Something not so friendly, huh?" Bane chuckled, as he recalled what Deadshot had said about the downstairs. He looked over to the fleeing crowd, and then over to all of the unconscious guards he had taken out. It didn't matter how he went about things now, his cover was long gone. He shot a powerful left down at the floor, as it left a deep crater in the ground. He followed up with a punch from his right, and then another with his left. The ground finally caved in, as he fell through to the floor below. He continued this strategy, as he alternated from left to right to break the floor, over, and over, as he went deeper, and deeper. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Robin's head went back and forth, from the explosion above, and then to the fleeing crowd down on the ground floor. "New plan; our priority should be the lives of everyone inside this building." He figured everyone agreed with this, as he proceeded to point up to the smoking office. "Kid Flash, no one can get up there faster than you. You and Zatanna should go up there and get everyone in there to safety. Wonder Girl and I will check out things down here." If whatever inside was really the 'monster' that everyone screamed it was, then he'd definitely want the powerhouse to back him up. He opened up one of the compartments on his belt, as he pulled out two earpieces. "They're already set up to the same frequency; Batman always makes me carry an extra." He explained, as he handed one of the two to Zatanna, putting the other in his own ear. Wally West had a habit of losing things of importance, so, Robin figured Zatanna was the better person to give it to. "Meet us back downstairs, after everyone's safe. If anything goes wrong, contact me." Robin ordered, as he turned to the entrance. He pulled out his grappling gun, shooting it just above the first floor, to easily slip past the crowd, it caught on to the 'L' in LexCorp, as he shot off towards a ledge just below it. In an instant, the Boy Wonder was gone, out of sight, without any further discussion. He figured Wonder Girl would meet up with him inside to continue the plan. (sorry if this sucked. XD)