MCLovin had always been a kid at heart. People have told him that, but others have told him that he looked like a serial killer. He never understood that. He was able to get somewhat laid one night, and he even made some friends in cops that took him out on the town during one night. As he waltzed into the hospital, McLovin had always had this desire to get kid. Everyone else also had this desire, but he always felt that since he was a kid at heart, then perhaps he had a better chance of getting kid. The only problem was that he had no idea where to start. Should he go with the burly-bearded man with the woman who were fighting a half-of-a-surgeon, or should he go to where Donald Trump was fighting Thomas Jefferson. The latter seemed intense, while the former seemed less likely to have gotten kid. Besides, McLovin was really scrawny. He wouldn't be any help against either parties, but he had to do something... So, he would walk over to the warring to-be Presidents. He walked over to them, throwing his slender arm up, and spoke.. "Gangstas, what's up guys?" [@Cynder] [@Grey]