[quote=@Pink Snorlax] Hey, sorry to bother you again, but I have a few more questions. Firstly, are there any particular factions that are prejudiced against the use of Lapi? Something along the lines of "magic is heresy, burn the witch, blah blah blah". If so, are they a passive group, or do they often take (violent) action against Lapi users? If they do take action, what is the public's reaction, and how do they respond to this? What are their relations with other political and social groups? In addition, is there any way to "cut off" an individual from using Lapi/abilities without needing to bludgeon them to death, like a sanctified area or a ground up herb you can slip in their drink? If not, what would be a common way for someone without Lapi abilities to take down someone with them? Lastly, should I message you my CS or should I post it here? [/quote] I don't doubt there would be, after all, there will always people who don't like things, after all. Maybe a secret sect that can use magic naturally or something? If it's for your character's backstory, I'd be willing to hear any ideas you had if you wanted a group like that to exist. As for Lapi negation... that's a lot harder to say. I want to say there has to be, but it's extremely rare. An herb that puts your soul in a dormant state or some such, maybe? I'll go ahead and say there is an extremely rare herb that can "put your soul to sleep" and make you unable to use Lapi for a certain amount of time. As for non-Lapi users combatting Lapi users, well, there are always ET's, and if you get close enough, some spells get very dangerous to cast, and some need a decent time to cast. It's not unheard of for some to focus entirely on other aspects of training, becoming almost superhuman in their ability. As for your CS, feel free to post it here.