[@Plank Sinatra] [@Write] Both characters are accepted! I look forward to getting some Atlas-shrugged-tier objectivism from Noel, and for some reason Brennan is reminding me of Lamont Cranston. I also want to commend you for fitting more mecha references into one weapon than I would have thought possible. I'd tell him to shoot for the top with hard work and guts, but then I'd be ignoring all the other spice there. I might ask you to turn the weapon's capabilities down a little: my willingness to accept weird engineering realities only stretches so far, though I do like the concept. I leave fine tuning in your hands. [@Onarax] I really like the idea of changing the fundamental properties of dust with your semblance, and your character is really fun to boot! I look forward to working that into the plot, I've already got loads of ideas you're probably not going to like. Anyways, accepted! If you could tone down the strikethroughs, I think I'd appreciate it, but that's a personal thing and not really necessary. I look forward to seeing [@Krayzikk]'s sheet. ----------------------------------------------------------- One general note, everyone, for my own sanity, I'm going to put down some definitions just so everyone is on the same page. Clarity of language is important, and we're writing about soldiers. Tactics: The science and art of organizing military resources, and the techniques for using said resources in combat situations. Strategy:"a comprehensive way to try to pursue political ends, including the threat or actual use of force, in a dialectic of wills" Operations: The runty middle child between tactics and strategy. Series of smaller engagements to achieve singular goals pursuant to the demands of strategy, only really applicable in 19th century warfare and onwards, and therefore in Remnant. Clip: Something that puts cartridges into magazines Magazine: Something that feeds cartridges into the chamber of firearms Bullet: The actual projectile of a weapon Cartridge: The full package of propellant and bullet, including primer and case if necessary For additional clarity, until mentioned otherwise, every nation organizes its military like real-world NATO. It's a corner-cut, but it really doesn't matter much and will just make dealing with ranked individuals and groups of soldiers easier.