It took Anwen a few moments to answer Alason's question, tapping her finger on the side of her head. After a little while of thought, she replaced her hand on the table and leaned forward, as she tended to do when engaged in a conversation. "I'm a waitress because...well, it's fun! It's really easy and the people that run the tavern are really nice. I like doing something other than just sitting in a tree all day, y'know? That would just be boring!" Her face dropped its smile slightly. "Trust me, I would know." After a couple seconds, she perked up again. Humming softly, she considered the man across from her. Despite how much of a jerk he had been to her inside, he seemed like an alright guy. [i]Maybe,[/i] she pondered, [i]we really can be friends![/i] Due to her history, she had always remained rather secluded, never bothering to come out of hiding for any reason other than to come to her job. "And I mean," she added after a thought occurred to her, "money's really pretty!" Out of her pocket, she produced a large, heavy bag full of quarters. "It's fun to collect! Just because it's useless doesn't mean I don't like having it!" Truth be told, she found the monthly checks that she received unutterably boring and always exchanged them for coins at the soonest possible convenience. Sure, it usually took a couple of visits to do so, but she didn't mind. She never used them as money. She had no real practical use for them, so she usually just left the enormous bag of quarters one a bench somewhere for someone else to find. "My turn to ask a question!" she laughed, clasping her hands together in front of her. "What do you do for fun?"