Hirshe might feel something brush up against his leg. When he looked down he would see wide pink eyes staring back up at him. The creature didn't blink, it's eyes were wide domes, the pupils were not round but silted like a snake. It was [i]cute[/i] The eyes were wide and round, he had a long snout with a little pink-tipped nose. It was white, with two long pointy ears that fell flat against the creatures head, the ears began to spread out as the creature tilted it's head back and forth, regarding the soldier with curiosity. The creature had a sleek body, covered in... well... It might be mistaken for fur, but in actually it was very fine needle-like scales, it's two front paws could be seen, teeny-tiny-widdle-paws with small sharp nails, the belly down was buried in snow. The creature had popped up like a rabbit hole. It was a lizard-like rabbit if one had to decided what it looked like. Like a snake, it seemed to be smiling up at Hirshe. In the snow that Hirshe, Wolfe, Dimitir, and Vaughtar planned to investigate were more of these little creatures, but something else entirely.... The little rabbit snakes were investigating it already. Their noses smelling and prodding, their ears twitching against the back of their head. They were thinking to themselves [i]It doesn't smell like meat... but... what is it?[/i] The one who had found Hirshe was thinking, very pleased with itself. [i]It smells like MEAT! I can't wait to tell the others.[/i] ~~~ Zesiro rolled his eyes. Uninterested in being inspired he folded his arms and watched. "Wizards are the worst." Was all he had to say to Charles about the matter. Twain peered at the sketch that Charles was making as it began to take shape. "This makes some sense... Necromancy and arcane magic don't usually work well together. They are kind of opposite forces. This took a lot of time to plan out. People with experience. Summoning is really hard. I mean, it is easier to change something that already exists then to put something into being... And it is more dangerous because what you bring in is going to have a mind of it's own, it might not agree with how you plan to use it." Twain grimanced. "Didn't work out so well for these guys." Dzel called to the husky "Ariel." If Ariel approached Dzel would run a hand through her fur, and maybe even scratch behind the ear of the husky. "If you are restless, let us join them." She walked to where Dimitri and Vaughtar were planning their next move. "We will go too. In case it is something dangerous."