[quote]Livewire caught sight of Stargirl's approach, and wasted no time in firing off a barrage of blue bolts, all the while pouring on more speed to facilitate her escape. It was obvious the electrokinitec was aiming to 'live to fight another day'. [/quote] [center][h3][b][color=00aeef]Stargirl[/color] || Strykers Island, Metropolis[/b][/h3][/center] Courtney dodged the blue balls aimed towards her. They were just a tight cluster and didn't carry much imagination with them. It was obvious the blue haired woman hadn't truly bothered to aim before she fired. Nor did she stay to see if her attack hit her intended target. Courtney pulled out of her tight circle and started to put on more speed. That was before she heard impact from behind her. The blonde superhero turned around in time to see her step-father fall from the sky. "Pat!" Courtney's cry was thin even to her ears as she came to an abrupt halt. Her blue eyes were wide in horror as she watched the suit's decent. Then they narrowed. She easily caught sight of the supers on the ground trying to contain the villain who shot at her step-father. In that moment she was torn. They obviously were struggling if their appearance mean anything. Yet there were more of them on the ground and the blue haired woman was getting away. Courtney worried her lip for a small moment then tore herself away from the view with a curse. Pat could take care of himself better than she could. If the blue haired woman escaped people might die. She had a duty, a duty that Jack entrusted to her. She wasn't going to let him down. Stargirl turned her mind to her Cosmic Staff and it pulled her after the escaping woman. She was fast but the Comic Staff was far faster. [i]Cosmic. Hello.[/i] When Courtney was close enough she shot off a starbolt at the lady. Not a big enough one, she didn't know how durable she was. But enough to at least get the escaped prisoner's attention none the less.