[hider] [center][color=red][h1]CRIPPLED JOE OF THE HIGH SKIES[/h1][/color][/center] [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/03/12/2690F6F700000578-2991287-image-m-5_1426155784596.jpg[/img] Crippled Joe of the High Skies is the primary leader of the Richard Nixon Rebellion, as Richard Nixon translates to Honesty and Peace in Absquen. Crippled Joe wishes for the downfall of his people, as he despises them and their planet draining ways. He believe in the universal principle of get kid, after he went on a maniac spree of removing the limbs of various individuals. His limbs have now regrown, and he intends on destroying the Absque Conglomerate, and all who intend on getting kid for evil. He will soon enough team up with the humans who wish to get kid. Crippled Joe of the High Skies has the unique ability to predict wherever a toaster may appear in the near future. This allows him to prevent friends from being conveniently murdered by said toaster. Crippled Joe, or CJ, also has a fear of limbs. He served in the Absque-Nyan War of 2003 and the Absque-Collective War of '93 that resulted in the slumber of all 4 Childbeings. Crippled Joe's Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvS351QKFV4] Good Song [/url] [/hider]