[@Cynder] [@Grey] [hr] This was totally cool. McLovin had always enjoyed seeing this kind of stuff on television with Evan or playing video games with Evan and Seth, but he never knew he would actually be able to see this in person. Not only that, but the famed Thomas Jefferson talked to him directly. Never ever had McLovin felt so special in all of history ever. He had to keep his cool. Thomas Jefferson was talking to him. He had to remain cool only like McLovin could. "Chicka-chicka-yeah," McLovin said, his knees bending, and a gangbanger handsign being thrown up. It was in response to Jefferson's comment about him fighting Trump for the American People. So patriotic, he was. As Jefferson made it clear to Trump that he was no match for his American Pride, one of the four Forefathers of America flew off with thirteen bald eagles trailing behind him. Meanwhile, the Great Wall-Builder, and overall douchebag turned to McLovin, asking who he was. The scrawny, barely-legal male looked up at the toupee-wearing politician. He swallowed the nerves that were building in his throat, stood as intimidating that he could, and opened his mouth with all the swag that he could muster. "I am [b][i]McLovin[/i][/b]" He said, his head moving down to the rhythm of his words.