[@Cynder][@Altered Tundra] Trump's denial of his true feelings was c-cute. But do you know what else was cute? The fact that the British believed in taxation without representation. Also that Donald thought he could get kid. But before he could discipline this wench, he heard the name. [i]McLovin[/i]. Jefferson quickly turned to the barely legal male and grabbed both of his shoulders, locking his eagle eyes upon the glasses guy. "Are you of the line of the American folk hero, Ronald McDonald?" he asked before slamming his hands on the ground, an occult Masonic symbol expanding around the two individuals. The debris around began to float, the symbol began to glow, and a triangle shone around his right eye as he began to intone the ancient spell used by the Illuminated Magicians, the very same spell that engraved America's superiority upon the world during the First Revolutionary War of 1776 and granted the American presidency its infinite power passed down by the will of the people. [indent]"[color=red]I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE[/color] TO THE FLAG [color=blue]OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA[/color] [color=red]AND TO THE REPUBLIC[/color] FOR WHICH IT STANDS [color=blue]ONE NATION[/color] [color=red]UNDER GOD[/color] INDIVISIBLE [color=blue]WITH LIBERTY[/color] [color=red]AND JUSTICE[/color] FOR [color=blue][b]ALL[/b][/color]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"[/indent] The occult Masonic symbol erupted into a firework fanfare of the three sacred colors: red, white and [color=#F7FF00]B[color=ed1c24][s] [/s][/color]l[color=ed1c24][s] [/s][/color]u[color=ed1c24][s] [/s][/color]e[/color]. The fireworks began to coalesce on to McLovin's form, wreathing him in a cloak of stars and stripes. And as sheer patriotism burned into his crux, imbuing power into the patriot, the shade of the great hero appeared. The white clown of gold and red. The man who freed all bellies of belts with low-cost, high-calorie food. Ronald of McDonald.