[hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/office%20memos_zpsc40q5p0q.png[/img][/center][hr][center][h3][b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday August 1st, 2016 ~ Morning[/h3][/center][hr][center][@The Whacko] [@Fabricant451] [@AbysmalDemon] [@samreaper] [@sakurasan] [@QueenOfTheBee][/center][hr][hr]You know, when they say that the New Castle branch has a high rate of employee turnover, people tend to brush it off. They don't understand how rare it is for [i]anyone[/i] to last here, with most new employees quitting within a week. If you make it past that terrible week, you're likely a lifer. You're accustomed to seeing new faces each week, and you probably know a fair deal of the temps that the temp agency sends over. More of them will be arriving later that day, once Aidan gets a chance to deal with the latest round of LLA.... Remember our dear friend, Temperance Venable? Our new accountant? She just received news of the death of a family. Quit, upped and left to head off to Nebraska in order to be with them. They hadn't even finished processing her paperwork yet, and already, they were having to process her termination. But hey, the accounting family can't have any worse luck, right? It's just Gerald back there now, after all... And sweet Nana Darling, our Customer Service Representative? Relax, she's fine! During the meeting, she discreetly checked her phone. She'd been offered a position in upper management at a rival paper company. With the added pay and benefits, it made complete sense to the young Customer Service Representative. She excused herself in the middle of the meeting, went over and collected her things, and went on her merry way. There isn't even time for an office party. Declan, Declan, Declan....Oh, how Aidan would wish death upon thee! Declan followed Nana out of the Conference Room. Hearing her confession she was going to leave, Declan made a confession of his own. The two left Dunder Mifflin, hand in hand. What a happy turn of events, folks! [@QueenOfTheBee]: Kayla gets a bit of an amusing sight. As she sits there, numerous employees walk out of the office, never to be seen again. Declan, Nana, and Temperance. The first pair seem to be happy, while the last one has red eyes, puffy from crying. Does this unnerve you? You've likely been warned about New Castle before, under advice to apply at the other branches, and to avoid the arse of a boss, Aidan. No one seems to be coming over to you, though. Maybe you should go find whoever's in charge? [@The Whacko] [@Fabricant451] [@AbysmalDemon] [@samreaper] [@sakurasan] [@QueenOfTheBee]: In the midst of Eduard's speech, one of the phones starts to ring. Because everyone has the same ringtone, it's impossible really to tell who the phone belongs to. It could be your sickly grandmother....or it could be a client....or just a wrong number! With no receptionist, [i]someone[/i] has to go answer it. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#cc9900]Aidan Ferguson[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcz5x8TPbM1rtzlzf.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: The Conference Room; Dunder Mifflin[/center][hr][hr]Seeing that no one had any questions, Aidan couldn't have been happier. He was hardly irritated when some of his employees left in the middle of the meeting, and through the glass, he watched them gather up their things. Making a mental note to call the temp agency as soon as this was over, he [i]also[/i] noticed the Asian woman waiting around nervously. Must have been there to interview for the accounting position, he figured. Pondering a bit how long she'd last, Aidan returned his attention to Eduard. [color=cc9900]"Keep these things quick, lads!"[/color] Aidan instructed, frowning a bit. He just [i]knew[/i] that Chris would spend a bloody year back there, the cunt. As much as he hated Chris, well, despised him...he still wanted the lad to work. The seminars and peer reviews tended to take more time out of the day then he'd like. [color=cc9900]"Keep these to a minute or less if you can!"[/color] For a moment, Aidan contemplated giving out bonuses to anyone who only spent thirty seconds on peer reviews. There was probably some archaic company policy against that, however. Narrowing his eyes slightly at Gerald, Aidan became increasingly irritated by the smug smile on his face. Fischer was the bane of his existence at times, him and his [i]happiness![/i] The lad would need to learn the true power of the dark side [s]of the force...[/s] [color=cc9900]"Excellent point, Eugene,"[/color] Aidan praised, temporarily distracted. [color=cc9900]"It'll be quicker if we just do it all in here. Fischer, when you're done, go and get people prepped for interviews....And stop bloody smiling!"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=0099ff]Gwen Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/cc4232a90f8923772bfe8c81e494bc98/tumblr_mwa8dxOQoR1qeqgdvo1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: The Conference Room; Dunder Mifflin[/center][hr][hr]Gwen glanced up from her book softly, smiling discreetly at the cameras. They'd followed them into the Conference Room, true to form. Taking her pencil, she jotted down some basic notes on Emily's latest movements. And true to her stalkerish tendencies, she took them all down in Spanish. The way Emily looked at Chris, Gwen was fairly certain something was going on there. She'd called Nana and Declan becoming an item ages before they rushed out of the Conference Room together. [i]Maybe this'll be a reference thing....[/i] Gwen pondered, tapping her pen against the paper. She supposed she could turn these notes in when applying for a job with the PD, as a method to prove her deductive skills. However, when Eduard took over, Gwen's curiosity peaked. She'd never been asked to do a peer review before, this being her first and only summer with Dunder Mifflin New Castle. The entire thing seemed...odd, to her. [color=0099ff]"It'll all end up on television anyways,"[/color] Gwen pointed out. [color=0099ff]"We're all going to know what we said, so there isn't much point in doing it separately..."[/color] Of course, Gwen truly didn't care about the peer reviews themselves. It just seemed like something interesting would have to occur. Perhaps someone would get mad and shout at Chris. Maybe Aidan would finally have the ulcer she'd been expecting him to get. Someone could break down crying in a teary confession of unrequited love. It's be more entertaining than helping out Gerald, since the accounting staff all left.