[center][u][h3][i][color=f26522]♛ The Apotheosis of the Court ♛[/color][/i][/h3][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/3wrD6CH.png [/img][/center][/center] [hr] The last of their expected attendance manifested in the form of some eldritch abomination, a cyclone of putrid and quite literal insects buzzing their way into the cottage before settling in one place. Aesir, like the others no doubt, watched on as the creatures began to squirm and swarm over the last remaining chair before soon taking physical shape before them. And with that shape came the overarching presence of hunger that was Zhystkrexas. How typical. The pirate from before seemed to have welcomed the embodiment with open arms, and it could be deducted that the two entities were of acquaintance to each other. Ironic that the theme of the day seemed to be pairs, numbers of twos in all things. Aesir kept to himself as there was no need for further greetings among his fellow black hearts; that, and because something new was being stirred. The air began to shift with power and an overtly dramatic chuckle that almost made Aesir laugh in turn to how childish and unnecessary it was. Before long, all of them were shown the form of the one being who had summoned them all here. Kil'threx, the God of Evil, or so his title would advertise. As an orb of inky blackness, Aesir assumed the reason for their gathering was to bring about his physical form once more into this world. And once again he was correct, Kil'threx detailing the markings of his own tale before highlighting the tasks that needed to be done. But first, an insurance policy to keep his followers loyal to him alone. A common trick but admirable and effective all the same. As the dark one flitted to each individual, he soon appeared before Aesir himself with a dark orange coloration in his tendrils. The greatest army ever? There was irony in that statement and Aesir saw reason to smile beneath his mask. Yes, very ironic indeed…but nothing that would not dissuade him from committing to this task. After all, he cared not for spoils and riches anymore, let alone glory. Perhaps he never did. All he desired was for the euphoria that was everlasting conflict to spread throughout all things. When the dark god moved towards his servant, Iona, his tone took on a more gentle approach. Aesir listened with interest, noting the even deeper irony that ran in this scenario. To think he was under command of Kil'threx’s former ally…most interesting indeed. Just as he had spoken to Iona and himself, Kil'threx shifted onward to speak to all nine of the gathered beings before departing with whispers in the shadows. The answer was obvious, Aesir noting that Kil'threx did just promise to punish them if they rebelled. Besides, what harm would there be in going along with this little play? It would at least sate his boredom. The notion of a plan was thankfully acknowledged; good, because that meant Aesir did not have to speak himself. It would seem the others were doing all the talking for him and that prompted the masked man to continue hanging back with crossed arms and his servant by his side. Oh yes, he could tell this group was going to get along just right, the light of greed and intention of betrayal so obvious that it could cut the tension in the room in half. They were villains after all so it was to be expected. Creatures steeped in blood and darkness who sought to overturn one another. Frankly, Aesir cared not as long as he got his conflict but seeing how everyone else was on edge…. [color=f26522]“I suppose the Harbinger of Conquest will do just that then, yes? Someone has to become the face of our allegiance and strife is all I know,”[/color] he said, sweeping his masked gaze to all in the cottage. [color=f26522]“Perhaps then I should leave the schemes to all of you while I actively and publicly enact war on Melaron. While their forces are focused upon me, the rest of you are kept in the shadows, free to do what you will without restriction or discovery from the forces of Light.”[/color] A bold move, but certainly one that was achievable by the immortal conqueror. After all, it wasn’t like he could be killed and so the armies of Melaron would have to spend much time and many resources to combat his own. Meanwhile, that would at least give the other seven the time and preparation they needed to enact their grand plan against the capital city. [color=f26522]“In any case, perhaps we should also address the elephant in the room, yes? Can we all assume that each of us harbors the desire to betray the other?”[/color] he asked smoothly, waiting for the response to his simple question. [hr] [center][@Legion02], [@Zendrelax], [@FrozenPhoenix], [@The Grey Dust], [@KoL], [@Rune_Alchemist], [@dragonmancer], [@TheWizardLizard][/center]