[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/32Wf3IN.jpg[/img][/center] [i]You live in the Kingdom of Lucumbro. Maybe you haven't for a majority of you life, but for now, you reside here. It's the year 2235, and things look like hell here. The countryside is ablaze, the castle is full of backstabbers, and towns are being raided. It's been like this for almost a century now, this war that's consumed the Kingdom. 94 years ago Sardiel, the Eternal King, revealed that he had been puppeteering the crown for over 1000 years. Up to that things had been shaky, but workable. Other than the poverty and issues with the political system, the Kingdom was at peace. Once the truth was out, the rising tensions exploded. A half-demon girl by the name of Gennisi would lose her home soon after this, and become the face of the rebellion. Once the original leader died, she became Commander of the Firebird Empire at only 23 years old. Her fervent attitude and impassioned speeches on revolution gathered many to her side, and forced the small rebellion into an all-out civil war. The King, out of touch but still wise, erected military outposts and demanded a higher rate of production of weaponry and Lapi, unparalleled since nearly 300 years ago. But the Firebirds would not let up, and Sardiel was forced to play the long game, again sacrificing his citizens short-term well being for the longevity of the kingdom, and himself. Ever since, neither of the two sides have let up. Sardiel is still ruling king, as youthful as the day he had revealed himself, while Gennisi seemed to have not aged either, and indeed has survived many grievous wounds. The war shows no signs of stopping, but you've had enough. Whoever you are, you have joined with six others in an effort to end the war. You may be just a motley crew now, but you've all got skills beyond a commoner, and an ally who seems to know just where to point you all. With luck, you might just be able to pull through.[/i] [hr] Magic is used through rocks that can provide passive buffs, enchant weaponry, or be activated to launch spells. Basically Materia. A more detailed explanation is below. [hider=How Magic Works] Magic is generally only used through small crystalline rocks called "Lapi." Said stones hold magic power, and by stimulating it with a fraction of your own energy, you can use its effects. These range from healing, to manipulation or generation of certain elements, to temporary alterations of your physical form. Some effects activate without having to activate them, and some almost unheard of ones are even stranger. Lapi are both amazing and odd, and scientists, scholars and alchemists alike can't figure out what makes them produce such outlandish affects, only that they form from even larger crystals deep underground. This makes Lapis production a challenge to all but the most high ranking of the Khint Alchemist Clan, who have excavated a crystal of their own and have found a way to force it to create Lapis at an accelerated rate, though even they aren't sure how to manipulate any other factors of production like strength or ability. One can recreate a Lapis's ability without actually having said Lapi, but without much practice, familiarity, and experience, it's a dangerous game. Only the most skilled of Magi have even a few Lapi mastered, and even fewer have learned how to manipulate said ability once learned. Another unfortunate side of Lapi is it's effect on humans. If one is around or uses Lapi a lot during pregnancy, a human child can "absorb" its effect, coming out deformed or with uncontrollable magical abilities. Occasionally, one may escape physical alteration and self destructive magics, leaving only useful abilities. Why this happens only to humans, no one seems to know, though studies have been done and this may be linked to humans' propensity to mastering Lapi. It also seems to be happening more often, as more Lapi is used in war time, and the Khint have upped production, putting more Lapi into the hands of commoners. Though only humans may be mutated by Lapi, other races are blessed with abilities, though this phenomena decidedly different to Lapi magic and is regarded as "Extranatural Talent" by scholars, ET for short. These are generally given to most if not all members of a race, and allow them a leg up on the competition. Demons seem to be the only exception of this rule, who seem to have completely random ETs. They also are unable to master Lapi, though they can use it just fine. [/hider] Here's the CS. [hider=Character Sheet] [noparse] [center][img]Appearance[/img] [h3]Name[/h3][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Equipment[/b][list] [/list] [b]Abilities[/b][list] (List Lapi, ETs, or Mutations here) [/list] [b]Talents[/b][list] [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/noparse] [/hider]