Lex looked outside of the window at the mass of scared people and shook his head. He wouldn't be surpised if the reporters, if not the whole Justice League, got a hold of this. He couldn't believe a "monster" was in his building. He recognized the monster as Bane on the security cameras. Just as he was about to turn back and call the scientists again, an orange siren with a whirring sound went off. He knew this meant an RPG was in the area and taking aim. Lex rushes to his desk and slid under it. He pressed a button and a thick metal wall fell down, shielding him. An oxygen mask fell too and he quickly put it on. The muffled explosion and breaking glass didn't startle him. After a moment, the wall rose and a voice told him, "It is now safe to exit, Mister Luthor." Luthor crawled out of the desk and immediately went through the flames to get to the elevator. He chose a floor inaccessible to most other people and the high speed elevator moved down quickly. The man angrily tossed the oxygen mask to the side and exited the elevator 51st his level. "Get the formula," Lex told the first scientist he saw. "B-but sir, the alien is still on the loose," the trembling scientist reported. "You haven't contained her yet?" "N-no sir." "Send more Genomorphs."