[@Caits][@rivaan][@Nallore][and anyone I missed] [h3]The Twins[h3] [hr] The twins smiled at Cassandra and the trio made their way to Vanessa's diner. Gage didn't seem thrilled to be going to a different diner, but seemed better. Aron seemed a lot better. The idea of messing with his brother lifted his spirits considerably. They made sure to walk at whatever pace Cassandra set. When the reached the diner aron strode in while gage held the door for Cassandra then went in. Both twins flashed a smile at Vanessa then Gage's smile vanished as he noticed the reporter and narrowed his eyes. Aron elbowed Gage in the ribs. Gage shot a glare at his brother then sighed and relaxed himself. Aron found a spot he liked and sat down with his brother sitting next to him and both made motions for Cassandra to sit with them. They were quite because they didn't want to interrupt...they would wait until they wouldn't be interrupting a conversation.