It seemed as though the creatures around her had a never ending line, and there were still more. She was loosing strength and it occured to her that she must not have recieved direct sunlight in sometime. Still, she fought, wanting nothing more to flee this planet and escape back to whatever remained of Tamaran. Genomorph after genomorph seemed to pile atop her until she was restrained. She began charging a hot starbolt and released it blindly, hitting a peice of lab equipment and causing it to become fried, melting through the metal in a eletric mess. Fear began seeping into her body, the same fear that reminded her of when was a mere child ripped from her home. She wanted to scream, but a sharp needle pricked her neck and it seemed all of her rage melted away. She wasn't unconscious, instead left calmed and her world slightly hazy. She managed to glance at the needle as it was pulled from her neck. It looked similar to a Psion's autoinject needle so that's what she assumed it wasneedle, as it was likely created in an event she escaped. Her language was slurred, still not understandably to humans," Calp'a'dar..." She muttered as she was lifted. She tried to move, to force the toxins away from her body but it seemed useless. The human who had injected her look empathetic, a glint in his eyes that almost made him look sorry, he said something. Not that she understood. She had not yet learned their language so she just stared, not like she could've done much anyways. Kory was brought to a tube, this time free of liquid and lied into it, wrist restraints coming online and locking around her wrists, other restraints locking into place as well until she was unable to move. This time only the nessicary scientist radioed in to confirm that the alien was contained for now.