[i][u][b][h1]Lore Entry[/h1][/b][/u][/i][hr][hider][center][i][b][u][h2]Realms Known...or Heard Within[/h2][/u][/b][/i][i][b]Hell 1[/b][/i] [i][u]“The Lesser of five evils. A realm in which you are transmogrified into an Absque. This realm is fairly peaceful in pleasant due to the Absque having gone through so many hardships in life. Dimensionally located in the very center of Universia/The Fourth Dimensional Planesworld, transposed over our existence.”[/u][/i] [i][b]Hell 2[/b][/i] [i][u]“This realm is known as the Guild Discord Chat Hell and is a truly erroneous, chaotic, and confusing clusterfuck of a realm. This realm is furthest away from Universia, but it was not always so. Hell 2 is the only Hell that moves in an elliptical rotation around the Fourth Dimensional Planesworld.”[/u][/i] [i][b]Hell 3[/b][/i] [i][u]“Detroit.”[/u][/i] [i][b]Hell 4[/b][/i] [i][u]“The realm in which the Sentinels of Nya have made their base of operations. Currently that is all is known.”[/u][/i] [i][b]Hell 5[/b][/i] [u][i]“The worst hell. The realm in which the Corescythes and the INFERNAL CHILD BEING, and its siblings, resides. Within, but without this Hell is the Chamber of the Prodigal son wherein the other Childbeings and the great Transient Childbeing slumber. Dimensionally located diagonally to the top right of Universia/The Fourth Dimensional Planesworld. This Hell is also known as The Bright Emptiness of the Unknown Abyss, aka TBEUA/Tableau aka The Vortex.”[/i][/u] [i][b]Universia[/b][/i] [u][i]"Aka The Fourth Dimensional Planesworld, is the realm in which many of the mortal brained races dwell, including the Absque and practically all of Humanity."[/i][/u][/center][/hider]