[center][img]http://i64.tinypic.com/2llg83l.jpg[/img] [h1]ソードアート・オンライン Sword Art Online[/h1][/center] [center][b]I want to try this again:[/b][/center] The setting takes place in what is known as the first half of SAO's Season 1 anime. A story of its own, this roleplay follows the adventures of a mysterious clan known as The Brotherhood, a [u]group of glitching players[/u]. Armed with abilities that would otherwise give them an unfair advantage in the world of SAO, they are a constant target for psychotic player-killers and the self-righteous Knights of the Blood Oath. [b]Recurring themes:[/b] Friendship, love, death, hope ---just giving you an idea of what you'll be running into. [b]Canon ground unscathed?[/b] Yes. Anime's storyline will basically be a guide on how we pace this. Canon characters (Kirito, Asuna, etc) will be NPCs if ever encountered. [b]Set ending?[/b] Yes. Your character either survives to see Kirito complete SAO, or dies with a shred of hope. [b]If we're lucky:[/b] We can go on to follow the later installments such as ALO and GGO. [b]NOTES:[/b] [list] 8/21- Didn't expect this many to be interested. Will need a little more time to finish a decent OOC. Leaning towards the possibility of two groups of glitchers opposing each other. 8/22- Still open[/list]