[h1][color=ed1c24]Scout[/color] - Hyrule Fields[/h1] Scout chuckled nervously for a second before saying, "[color=ed1c24]Well, uh... the horses here don't, uh, work like they do where I come from, that's-[/color]" It was then that Scout realized how tense the situation was getting when Terra had fire in her hand and was shouting something at Hildibrand. Scout was barely able to say, "[color=ed1c24]Uhhh-[/color]" before a shot was fired off. The next thing he knew, there were flames erupting again, and the horses were whinnying, Scout being thrown off onto the ground by one of them. Fortunately for him, Scout avoided getting stepped on as the horses moved back. "[color=ed1c24]Ugh,[/color]" Scout groaned after quickly crawling away and getting back onto his feet. By then, Terra was already running off. "[color=ed1c24]Ok, what the freaking hell happened?[/color]" Scout asked after the flames dissipated and the tension was lessened. Hildibrand made the suggestion to go after Terra, which Scout was hesitant to agree to. On any other day, he wouldn't mind running after a hot chick, but this was a hot chick that could shoot fire out of her goddamn hands. Not the craziest thing he ever faced, but still, she was hot, and that was something that Scout didn't want to ruin. On the other hand, it wasn't like he had anything else to do. Scout's mind was made up then. With a shrug, Scout replied, "[color=ed1c24]Sure. Not every day run after a hot girl. Unless you're me, and in my case, girls actually run after me, cuz that's what happens when you're awesome.[/color]" [hr] [h1][color=9e0b0f]Spy[/color] - Gourd Lake[/h1] After Spy had walked a short distance and turned off his Invis-Watch, the sounds of battle soon died down until there was nothing but ambient noise left in the air. Spy thought it was interesting enough to be worth noting, but thought nothing more of it and resuming walking. He also thought it worth noting when he noticed the disturbance in the lake from out the corner of his eye. Spy turned to look, and wondered what could be causing the water to act like so. That question was quickly answered when the group of bipedal creatures emerged from the water. Alarmed, Spy quickly back away from the lake, his eyes darting around for a hiding spot. Spotting a tree, Spy immediately rushed over and went behind it to better conceal himself. Peering from behind the tree, Spy wondered what on earth they were and what they were doing. As they seemingly teleported over to the shore from their platform in the lake, Spy ducked back behind the tree, but slowly peeked back out to confirm that they had not yet seen him. Spy could not discern what exactly they were talking about at the distance they were at, but Spy could confirm that they definitely sounded like late adolescent girls. Spy activated his Invis-Watch once more, turning himself invisible, and began to sneak his way over to the girls, at which point one of them began to attack. "[color=9e0b0f]My. God,[/color]" Spy muttered to himself in horrified amazement as he stared at the one that had exploded the shack, then resumed his attention to the other four. Spy decided to remain hiding for now, and wait for an opportunity to present himself before he would act. The others at the shack were beginning to fight back, so there was no need to worry about them yet. Right now, he would focus on his job.