[centre][i]Hello Lovelies! Nikki NoNo Here [img]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn17/Ceshiria/tumblr_inline_mgl8iu3ioK1rzqq3b_zps48443ca4.gif[/img] I am looking for someone who is willing to Roleplay with me. I Give Cake Now-WAIT! [img]http://ninjavio.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/azunyan-and-yui-cake.gif[/img] [b]Warning[/b] Before you continue on I must say that I am a theatre student and not only do I shows, musicals, competitions, show choir and auditions, I am also getting ready to live the life of a starving artist because I will be leaving after I graduate in high school (I am senior with college classes) and go on to a bigger and brighter (hopefully) life. This means I will not always be on 24/7 all around the clock. BUT I will most definitely be on every so often to check on and write a few paragraphs here or there. Notice how I say paragraphs. Now I am not looking for a novel but I am looking for someone who has substance to bring to the table. I am very nice! Tell me anything you want! Don't like the RP? Tell me. Think I am a crappy RPer? Tell me!!! PLEASE! To those brave souls who are still reading this, [b]CONGRATS![/b] Your Reward? Cuteness in a ball of fur [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/2849324d04f249677c7a183cdc05e3bf/tumblr_mlmlpsRpEV1s9m4lro1_500.gif[/img] Now on to preferences and such I am open to any creative idea that you may have, I like romances and historical RPs, I am also into doing CanonxOC. When it comes to gender playing roles I do Double and prefer that!! I can play both sexes pretty much! I do not discriminate so straight, gay, or lesbian RPs are good with me. Hell, and if you're into Traps I am always open for new things. Also I will OCxOC, CanonxCanon, or CanonxOC I understand writers block, tell me and we will work on something, or take a break. Also, don't hate me for not reply as fast as you want me to. I am a fragile person. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PuenTVnO9uA/T8Q5YI4Av6I/AAAAAAAAEQo/ubGp-K2T3Ho/s1600/K-on+(58).gif[/img] [b]Original Pairings: [/b] Pirate & Indian Pirate & Mermaid Mermaid & Human Mythical Creature & Human Peasant & Noble Mafia & Mafia Mafia & Pedestrian Student & Student Secretary & Boss *~* [b]Ideas: [/b] Assassins Elves Carnival Demons Wolves Songs (We can get a lot from these suckers) World War *~* [b]Genres: [/b] Slice of life Angst Horror Romance Dark Historical Fiction Sci-fi Drama *~* [b]Anime: [/b] Black Butler Soul Eater Hetalia Princess Jellyfish Heart No Kuni No Alice/ Alice in the Land of Hearts Pokemon Sailor Moon Durarara Baka To Test Howl's Moving Castle Spice and Wolf Uta No Prince-Sama Katerkyo Hitman Reborn Legend of Korra K-ON! Wolf Children Diabolik Lovers *~* [b]Movies: [/b] Avengers Thor X-Men Iron Man Harry Potter The Hobbit LOTR Rise of The Guardians Frozen Mirror Mask The Devil's Carnival Repo! The Genetic Opera Moulin Rouge Across The Universe ANY DISNEY FILM *~* [b]Eras: [/b] Dark Ages Renaissance 1700s 1800s 1920s 1950-'60s 80s! *~* [b]Misc. [/b] Homestuck [b]Songs[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk8jV7r6VMk]Girls/Girls/Boys[/url]- This will be a FxF more than likely. The plot would be about a Lesbian woman who falls in love with a bisexual girl who has a boyfriend already. And the Lesbian is in love with this girl who seems to be confused about her own emotions when choosing between her boyfriend and the woman. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkBxcmxWKAA]Nicotine[/url]- Well this is a straightforward idea as you can see. An addiction to a woman that is like a druggies addiction to nicotine and the effects of wanting someone so badly that is so bad for you, yet you can't help but want more and more even though you try telling yourself that what you are doing is bad. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f3K2sEHuIM]That Green Gentlemen[url]- Don't let the prettyness fool you, this song (and RP) will have a darker tone to it musical lightness. I would hope for this to be a historic play (something around the time of Pride & Prejudice). A story between a man and woman who's lust for others breaks their love. The man, who broke the woman's heart was sleeping around and messing with other woman, while the woman stayed faithful to the point she had enough and leaves her husband, having enough of his debauchery B.S. But as the man continues to sleep around he realizes what he has done and tries to go back to the woman he loves only to find out she has moved on. The man is very upset and grows jealous (green) but stays a gentlemen as he tries to win back her heart. [b]Also If there is something I missed or an idea you'd like to do, tell me![/b] *~* [b]Remember the Rule Here is to Tell Me[/b] *~* Anyway I hope to see some replies c: LETS HAVE SOME FUN!! READY SET GO~~ [img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/33035548/large.gif[/img][/i][/centre]