[center][h2]Main[/h2] [hider=Meet Elvira Fukuhara, the Russian-Japanese Nuclear Mastermind!] [h3][color=lightgreen]"Seriously, what's the big deal?"[/color][/h3][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/e476/f/2014/210/e/c/kido_tsubomi_render_3_by_imaginaryanimeworld-d7sr0zb.png[/img] [hider=Work Outfit][img]https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-0/p206x206/14055571_1250639114954503_1522614061_n.jpg?oh=ad557cf4a2d26c4d9db442acb5b77d56&oe=57BA9C3F&__gda__=1471867049_3c81ea9967383cfb45c01c61b320342c[/img][/hider][color=lightgreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] Elvira Fukuhara [color=lightgreen][b]Age:[/b][/color] 31 [color=lightgreen][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'8" [color=lightgreen][b]Weight:[/b][/color] [color=lightgreen]"Sixty-seven kilograms...? I need to work out more. Hrmph..."[/color] [color=lightgreen][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Science, reading, proving people wrong, facts, statistics, ambition, the elderly, mint chocolate, black coffee, and adjusting her glasses with the [i]creepiest[/i] smile. Also sadism. [color=lightgreen][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Youth, being wrong, randomness, masochism, not having her glasses, the entire internet, and motherfucking weeaboos. Also idiots. Those [i]really[/i] tick her off. [color=lightgreen][b]Party Trick:[/b][/color] [color=lightgreen]"Give me any equation and thirty seconds. I'll have it solved before we hit ten seconds, unless you put in a tricky one. If that doesn't cut it... I throw a pretty mean Levi impression from that anime, White Swamp."[/color] [color=lightgreen][b]Profession:[/b][/color] Professor of physics, nuclear energy and quantum mechanics at Shine Academy; also does her bit for power plants across the world as an active researcher into nuclear energy. [color=lightgreen][b]Bio/Personality:[/b][/color] *Play theme song while reading :D* [color=lightgreen]"When I was hardly a year old... My mother passed away before me... The Chernobyl disaster took her away... And it's something I [i]cannot[/i] forget... She died, sacrificed [i]her[/i] life, to save those who wouldn't have had the time otherwise. At the cost of the few -- herself included -- she saved a great many more, giving the evacuation a head start against the meltdown. Her passing was heralded with honor, just like the many others who gave their lives for the greater good... so that we [i]all[/i] could live, to see another day. So that my father and I could live on, to make our dreams come true, and to make this world a better place. So that we could accomplish some good outside of Russia. So that I could grow into a fine young woman, and so that we could become so much [i]more.[/i] So that we could unlock our destinies, and help a great many more people. We moved to Japan; I grew up and my father grew old, but we forever remembered... ... the events of that day... When I'd barely graduated a year... My father passed away before me... Lost in the Fukushima disaster... And it's something I just [i]cannot[/i] seem to forget... He died... To save those who still had a fighting chance... He sacrificed himself, like my mother, to abort a disaster which would have killed a great deal more. The time he put in, alongside the other scientists, helped alert and get many people out of the area. In fact, he was part of the one thousand death statistic who helped save the one hundred thousand others. He's not just a hero to the country, now, but in my eyes he is, too. Like my mother... Perhaps maybe like me, someday. It's why I research nuclear energy today, after all. I want to make this world safer for the coming generation - I want them to not have to go through what I did. Now I know I can be a bit mean-spirited and cranky at times, and I know I'm not always a good person, but... if you can give me a chance, and let me teach at this academy, I'll be forever grateful."[/color] [hider=Theme Song][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62opricx9Zg[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider] [h3]Secondary[/h3] [hider=Ryoki Mochizukki, Reworked~!] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Ryoki Mochizukki [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 28 [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NCsVnct.png[/img] [u][b]Height:[/b][/u] 166cm [u][b]Weight:[/b][/u] 74.5kg [u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] Music, her scarf, flirting, having fun with friends, experiencing new things, playing an instrument, making people laugh, drawing, dancing, working, otakudom. [u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u] Dishonesty, death, depressing topics, serious topics, bullies, things that aren't fun, normal people. [u][b]Party Trick:[/b][/u] Ryoki has a deck of tarot cards. Should you request it, she'll give you a reading. Using the power of the arcana, she can supposedly tell you your future. Of course, if that doesn't cut it, she can play just about any instrument, and has a large stockpile of puns available if all else fails. [u][b]Profession:[/b][/u] Ryoki is an aspiring musician who works from home. She has a wide variety of instruments that she owns and plays, but is best with violins, guitars, keyboards and saxophones. Not to mention singing; she loves to sing! She uploads her music on to sites such as YouTube and makes her own albums. She's not world famous by any means, but still makes enough to make a living. Mostly. Ryoki also works part-time as a voice actor, getting job offers every now and then to voice characters for anime, games and so-on. She also scored a job at the casino and has been working as a bunny girl waitress ever since. Sometimes the two combine and she performs at the casino as the infamous "Bad Bunny". [u][b]Bio/Personality:[/b][/u] Ryoki's life has always been something of mystery and oddity. Though her childhood was sheltered, she became outgoing. Despite finding joy in life, she somehow felt depressed. ... And when she was faced with lost, she would always find herself. An oddball, courageous and flirtatious, Ryoki Mochizukki is something special. She's strong, yet has a multitude of weaknesses, and always finds herself looking to the future. A woman who once looked over her shoulder to the past now boldly strides towards the future, and her love life heating up more now than ever before! She loves him. That man in the casino, who deals the cards and embodies charm. A perfect pair, some say, but she isn't so sure. Ryoki Mochizukki is a woman who has never really felt true love before. Past relationships being rather short and, to be frank, terrible, she doesn't quite understand how she's supposed to feel towards this certain individual. Is he a friend? Or something more? Regardless, Ryoki lives on, letting her heart guide her into the future. [u][b]Themes:[/b][/u] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JCPXnMeDe7A]Main Theme[/url], [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9h-9wP93rh4]Flirtatious and Sexy Theme![/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDXTHZameXo]Sexy Theme 2![/url] ([url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3530313]Link[/url] to her former self.) [/hider][/center]