[hider=Izerk Whitemane] [center][img]http://t12.deviantart.net/fGXu9hepOqY74fxf5FLYMSpk3ZM=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre06/c094/th/pre/i/2015/027/e/a/gorilla_warrior_by_phantom2262-d8fmh81.jpg[/img] [h3]Crown Prince Izerk Whitemane the Mighty[/h3][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 102 [b]Race:[/b] Gora (Gorillafolk in the common tongue) [b]Equipment[/b][list] [*][color=fff200][b]Iron War Hammer[/b][/color] - A solid, weighty weapon beyond the use of mortal men and their adolescent strength. Six feet in length, with a head that is one foot long and one foot wide, it is a simple yet terrifying tool of death and anguish in the hands of someone who can handle it with finesse. Izerk is such an individual, thanks to his massive strength. Black and rusted, with no marking or fancy sigil to add character to its menacing form, Izerk's war hammer is the cold and unfeeling harbringer of crushed skulls and shattered rib cages. Even the most heavily armoured adversaries fear this mighty warrior's swing, and most would be wise to rely on speed over constitution when daring to face Izerk on even his worst day. [*][color=fff200][b]Iron Breast Plate[/b][/color] - Izerk and his peoples are simple. Crude iron is all they can hope for in their forest dwellings, and even then it is a rare commodity. Izerk however is blessed, in that his armour is made from the solid yet coarse metal. Four inches thick at its narrowest point, Izerk's breast plate is impenetrable to all but the most powerful attacks (lest they are backed by Lapi). However, even a Gora is tied to the laws of physics, and despite his impressive strength Izerk is still weighted down by this monstrosity masquerading as armour. Whilst wearing it, he cannot hope to swim, and he tires quickly if forced to continuously turn on his heels against a faster opponent. For this reason, Izerk is able to quickly discard the breast plate via four reachable clasps that bind the two halves together. Like his War Hammer, it is black and rusted, and bears no markings or decoration. [*][color=fff200][b]Reinforced Iron Pauldrons[/b][/color] - Dodged his swing? Sliced at his leg? He looks tired, huh? And angry! But it's okay, just keep dancing around, you've almost got hi- OH MY GOD YOU'RE FLYING! Izerk wears two shoulder pauldrons, again made from solid iron, and simple in appearance. However, they are very thick, sitting comfortably at around eight inches. They weigh down his shoulders, and reduce the movement of his arms. Don't be fooled however. These are not items of protection, oh no, they're actually battering rams. If an opportunity presents itself, Izerk will lower his head and charge his opponent with his shoulder raised; often this is done as part of a feint when in combat, and has caught many opponents off guard with the irregularity of its employment. Furthermore, the shoulder pads offer a great means of knocking down doors and other lesser obstacles. As with the breast plate, they can be quickly removed via two straps under Izerk's armpits. [*][color=fff200][color=fff200][b]Light Leather Curiass[/b][/color][/color] - Underneath his layer of impenetrable iron, Izerk wears a suit of light leather that cuts off at his voluminous shoulders and his bulky shins. It provides little protection, but is sometimes enough to deter a swipe or a swing to his exposed body. He prefers leather to chainmail, mostly because it increases his mobility when taking into account the iron breast plate and pauldrons. [/list] [b]Abilities[/b] N/A [b]Talents[/b] [list] [*][color=00aeef][b]Natural Climber[/b][/color] - The Gora are natural climbers in their native habitats of ancient trees and rocky outcrops. Whether it is a house, a ship or a rampart, then Izerk is your Gorilla when it comes to scrambling up stuff. However, depending on the height, difficulty of the climb and other such factors, Izerk may need to remove his precious armour first. [*][color=00aeef][b]Wild Empathy[/b][/color] - Gora can use body language, vocalization and demeanor to crudely converse with animals. Whilst not able to directly control beasts and their ilk, the Gora can influence them to do their bidding. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Izerk is slow to anger, incredibly so; however, once he's there, then all of those around him would be best to vacate the vicinity. When not experiencing his rare and primal blood-lust, Izerk is a calm, compassionate and collected being. He uses reason first, and spurns the irrational. However, when the cause is just, and the good outweighs the bad, then Izerk will engage with any situation unto death if needs be - blood-lust or no. [b]Biography:[/b] [I]"Go forth, my son, unto the world of Elves, Demons and Men, and calm the fire that rages in their hearts."[/i] These were the last words that King Izern Whitemane spoke to his most beloved son, Crown Prince Izerk of Goria. They were sad words, yet hopeful and full of endless possibilities - both good and ill. The year is 2235, and the flames of a foreign war have spilled into the ancient heartland of the Gorian peoples. Their great bastion, Glimmerdale Forest, is under direct threat from Lucumbroian incursions. Every week there is another travesty. A Gorian village ignited by a local and zealous Royalist commander; a wandering tribe of Gora slain by servants of the Demon-Whore for simply being in the wrong place, and at the wrong time. Some tribal elders call for war. Others call for abandonment and retreat. King Whitemane battles daily to keep his nobles in check, to prevent what is left of his already dying race from being dragged into a conflict that would surely end them. To the aged Ape-King, leaving Glimmerdale is not a palatable option; his people have dwelt there for ten thousand years. However, lacking the man power or the steadfast conviction required to wage an effective war on the races of Man and Elf, he has resigned to send forth his Kingdom's greatest champion. Crown Prince Izerk the Mighty. Izerk is intelligent and wise, even for his peoples, and favours his father's love over all things. Though reluctant to abandon his people in their hour of need, he has taken up his father's mission with the resolve of a man condemned to the gallows. He faces an impossible task; end a foreign war in a foreign land waged by a foreign peoples whose ideals and customs are foreign to his own. There are too many variables, too many risks, too much at stake. Yet here he is, in Lucumbro, drawing stares from commoners and scrutiny from guards. He searches for companions who seek the same ends, who seek to end the war that is threatening not just Lucumbro, but her neighbours. It is an alien land, but he knows that no race - immortal or otherwise - relishes the prospect of a world rife with war, anguish and death. He plans to find them, and their knowledge of the land will point him - and his War Hammer - to those responsible for this ceaseless madness. This he must do, if Glimmerdale is to stand for another ten thousand years. This he must do, for his father's love, and for the very survival of the Gora. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]