[@Kafka Komedy] Nice character. As for meetings, I'd suggest "so you all meet up in a tavern"... or, "some of you meet up in a tavern, some meet up in other taverns, then your groups meet up in yet other taverns later on", just to put a twist on the cliché. Now, regarding Akella... I don't know if I've inadvertently made her too strong, and I'll let you decide whether or not that's the case, Kafka. Personally, I'm thinking the area she lived in may have done something somewhat similar to Shamus' Stoneskin mutation - either her body emits a permanent diamagnetic field, like an overclocked RWBY aura that prevents people from getting particularly close to her without trying to bludgeon her to death (at least unless she finds a way to turn it off with magnetism Lapi), or she suffers from some sort of mutation that transforms her body into a metal statue over time, mostly hidden beneath her armour, but liable to kill her relatively soon unless she's either incredibly lucky as far as transformation order goes or finds a way to cure the condition. But as I said before, both are rather similar to Stoneskin, so I might try to figure out something else entirely. Get some other form of creativity going, if you will. If anybody has any suggestions, I'd also appreciate those.