[quote=@Kafka Komedy] If any of you have ideas on how your characters could have come together, feel free to share them. I'm gonna go ahead and post my WIP CS so it can stop clogging up my notepad. [/quote] We're in the same town, minding our business, when something goes down. The Royalists/Rebels hold sway, and are about to execute a bunch of innocent villagers/townsfolk for "collusion with the enemy". One of our characters dislikes this, and tries to stop them. Violence ensues. The other characters throw their lot into the carnage, and after the NPCs have been slain or driven away, we're left with a small group of like minded individuals who then come up with this great idea to try and bring the war to an end. That's my two pennies with a mug of tea thrown in. My character can literally appear anywhere though, as he is actively seeking individuals who can help him on his quest to stop the war, so i'm happy with whatever we go with.