[i]Althalus[/i] [color=00aeef]"I'm not sleeping. I'm pretending I don't have anything stupid to do. Like going to a cursed town for Gods know what reason."[/color] Althalus groaned from the bed. He rolled out, grabbing his pants as he did so. [color=00aeef]"Mar, dear, we've been over this. People may be fine with you going topless but you're going to make them uncomfortable being completely naked with everything showing."[/color] He called, getting mostly dressed as he walked over, a slight grin at the sight. He stood next to Mar, giving her rear a light pinch before speaking. [color=00aeef]"Morning Leith! What brings you to our humble abode? Surely you don't want to help Mar walk anymore, she's becoming quite good at that, and I believe that I've told you everything I know about the 'Wild' Mages." [/color]He stretched his neck from side to side. [color=00aeef]"Now, if I remember correctly, today is the day where we decide what mission we're going on. Well, you two do. I have to go to the Nox filled town of death and doom."[/color] [b]Aramir[/b] The small Snow Elf was idly wandering the halls of the College, figuring out which of the missions available she should go on. They were all terrible for her expertise. Yarosmere was hot, she hated the heat, and she was terrible at diplomacy. Djarkel was a mission that was purely diplomacy, and the other mission involved things she'd rather not get involved in. Aramir sighed, idly rubbing the back of her head. No matter where she went, it looked like she was going to be in for a bad time. She glanced up at the sound of something behind her, face breaking into a tentative smile at the sight of Myrn. Things had been gradually less awkward between them in the time after their...escapade at the fair. Her smile fell away at the look on Myrn's face. "Myrn, no not again ple-" Her protests were muffled as the taller elf pounced on her, gathering her up in a hug. "What is your obsessions with hugging me!" Aramir complained, pushing against the unnecessary, as she deemed it, furs in an attempt to free herself.