[u]Vestec, Level 4 God of Chaos.[/u] [b]Might:[/b] 14 [b]Freepoint:[/b] 4 Vestec stumbled mid air and crashed into the Venomweald, taking down a swathe of trees with him as he did so. He rolled to a stop, picking himself up and looking around in surprise. "So that's what it feels like when you're not blinded by rage." He mused. Vowzra was dead. Violently murdered. For the briefest of moments, unnoticeable to mortals, time had been thrown into Chaos. With no God to oversee time it had gone wild and the sudden rush of Chaos energy had blindsided him, startling so much that he stopped moving and crashed. It had been Jvan, of course. The God of Chaos had both seen and felt her fly across the world to smash into Vowzra's sacred area, forcing her way in and destroying all in her path. "And everyone claims [i]I[/i] am the problem." Vestec giggled, dusting himself off. He continued towards his destination, waiting for his siblings to react to the death of Vowzra and Reathos. He had killed one and the other had been slaughtered by Jvan. "My,my. We're dropping like flies, aren't we?" He mused, reaching the center of the Venomweald. The Writhe was dead. "Tsk. This puts a kink in my plans." He tilted his head as he listened to Toun's call. His colors stopped dead in surprise. [i]Vulamera...dead?[/i] He searched for her essence, a hint of her remains, and found none. [i]Vowzra killed her? No. He was many things, but a silent murderer he was not.[/i] Astarte. He needed to find Astarte. Vulamera was gone, and there would be a reckoning for that, but for now he needed to find Astarte to continue his plans. Death comes for all creatures but the workings of Chaos goes ever on. "Zephy must be terribly bored in his banishment to. I'll have to visit him at some point." Vestec giggled. A ghost like form of him peeled off his body and zoomed into the sky, heading towards Zephyrion, before he followed Astarte's essence to the memorial. He landed to catch the tail end of Toun's rant. "Come now Toun. Don't take your failure's out on Astarte." Vestec admonished. He examined the memorial, looking at the Gods who had agreed. "Take solace in the fact that Vowzra's death is as much Teknall's fault as it is your own." He laughed, throwing his hands wide. "You, Toun, ignored her, crafting your perfections in solace! You, Teknall, made excuses for her! 'She's misunderstood!' 'I never looked at it that way!' 'She's just a craftsman like me!' Now look. Your 'misunderstood' sister has murdered her brother. You've cut yourself off from all of us so much that it took fratricide for you to be drawn out!" His voice was harsh with scorn and mockery. "You call yourselves the protectors of this world. Think yourselves as the 'good' Gods. Yet you allow Jvan to run unchecked, forcing her 'beauty' upon your creations, and persecute me because I make your creations fight and become stronger." He giggled, using Chaos energy to recreate images from his memory. "You 'good' Gods are pathetic. Kyre claims to protect all races, then gives me free reign to eradicate Reathos' race designed to purge life. Teknall claims to protect and foster life, but then ignores Jvan's abominations in favor of calling a witch hunt upon my followers. Niciel claims to be the peacemaker, but sits in her Mountains, ignorant of the outside world, doing nothing as it falls to pieces around her. Ull'yang sits in his home, far away, operating only through his Avatar and growing angry when Vowzra tried to warn us of Jvan. He has been here recently, I must note. So bravo on him for improving slightly." The images of Reathos attacking him began to play again. "You want to know what happened to Reathos? He was driven mad by the sight of his precious Pronobii being slowly destroyed by my Horde. The Horde Kyre knew existed, but did nothing about. The God of War, protector of Reathos attacked and tried to kill me. I gave him plenty of chances, but in the end it was kill or be killed. I killed him in self-defense. Before you start spewing about what a liar I am, remember, I thrive on entertainment and Chaos. If there is no one to challenge my actions, there is no entertainment or chaos in the world. I did not desire Reathos' death. He was too fun." Vestec examined the memorial one last time, before stepping back. "I will sign this pact of yours. But only once the other Gods have. Prove to me that you can do some good in this world, that you can live up to what you claim to be, and I will sign it. I'll even leave an apparition to see when you do." He walked over to Astarte, holding out a hand to the forlorn Goddess of Magic. "Astarte, my dear, care to come with me? We can find something fun to do. After all, there's an entire universe for us to explore." [hider=Summary] -Vestec is flying along when he feels Vowzra's death and the chaos it throws Time into for the briefest of moments. He crashes. -Listens to Touns announcement, and is surprised by news of Vulamera's death. -Finds the Writhe dead and is disappointed. -Follows Astarte to the memorial, where he admonishes and mocks Teknall, Toun, and basically every God who claims to be a 'Good' God and protect the mortals for attacking him but ignoring Jvan. -Admits to killing Reathos in self-defense. -Promises to sign the pact should every other existing God sign it as well. -Asks Astarte to leave with him, noticing her forlorn state, and have fun. [i]No Might or Freepoint spent.[/i] [/hider]