[hider=Ibzan, The Urbane Devil] Name/Nicknames: Ibzan, aka "The Urbane Devil" aliases (modern ones): Damien Delroy, Theron Smith, Ricardo Ortega, Pietro Polini, Isabella Francesca, Veronica Christianson, Lillith Maltese Race: Demon Age: Appeared age is usually in the late 20s, to early 30s (though this can change depending on what he wants to do, these are his most commonly appeared ages). His true age is unknown (He never goes around talking about his true age, though for those knowledgable in Daemonology, they would see that his name has appeared among some of the oldest mentions of Demons, putting him potentially several millennia old.) Appearance: In the rare times he is in his "true" form, Ibzan lives up to the legendary images of Demons. A mad fusion of beast and man, he has the tail and legs of a goat, curved black horns like a ram, the head, torso and arms of a well-muscled human (male or female based on what form he's changing from), and the wings of a large bat. His eyes blaze like pure hell-fire indicating his status as a Demon, his fangs become slightly elongated like a beast, and what hair he has becomes shaggy. His breath also smells of brimstone. Otherwise, Ibzan takes his form however he chooses to be when he wishes to appear as a human. His form has changed countless times over the centuries, even changing sexes several times. Though commonalities across his forms do appear: he always takes the form of a young adult human of great beauty or handsomeness, and usually takes on features that will make him stand out in a crowd. Could be a unique hair colour, supermodel physique, tattoos, risque clothing, or otherwise some kind of form that will make him appear enticing or intriguing to people of a given area and depending on his current tastes. For the 50s, he particularly likes to take on forms that go against the American ideals of conservatism for the decade. Leather jackets, skimpy clothing, blue jeans, and longer and less-kept hair are his more trademark aspects of his look currently. Though when the mood takes him to try for even more delicious souls to tempt, he can clean himself up very nicely in a suit or dress. Personality: Enticing, addictive, intriguing, exciting, and tempting all can perfectly describe Ibzan's outward personality. He is temptation made flesh, his handsome and beautiful forms masking a cunning, lewd, and ancient mind that has the capacity for patience as much as boldness. Always on the prowl for the next new high, the next prey to succumb to him and his schemes and temptations, and the next soul to tempt into an eternity of pleasure in exchange for their own damnation. Caring little for the particulars of mortal affairs, he picks and chooses sides at his leisure, if he's even bothered to pick a side at all, as in most cases he's content to merely watch the show with his latest conquest unless he has a personal stake. He is drawn to chaos and the everything that comes with it, including the people who thrive in it, and finds a stable life and clingy people boring. A being of few mortal friends, one has to impress him to be worthy of his respect and not merely seen as another potential prospect for him. Though he always keeps to his word, one must be careful of any promises or deals made with him, as he'll always try to find a way to make it benefit him more. Not even his friends get favours for free, as he considers the fact that he could be spending his time seeking greater pleasures. Bio: A primordial Demon of Hell, Ibzan was lived almost since time immemorial, though he's only spent the last two thousand years roughly on Earth. He was drawn to the mortal plane out of the desire to experience physical pleasures and to be able to share such pleasures with others, whether they freely accepted or were tempted by him into partaking . . . Actually, he was summoned by a Demonic Cult who wanted to obtain unfathomable Earthly pleasure and saw that summoning a Demon into the mortal world was the best way to do it. Granted physical form, Ibzan has walked the Earth ever since, moving to countless cultures and places all over Eurasia and Africa, sometimes by choice, others by immediate need or desire brought forth by particularly enticing events for a being such as him, and others by necessity as on and off throughout this time Demon-Hunters have hounded him out of more than a few places to try and send him back and out of the mortal plane. He became known in Daemonologist circles as The Urbane Devil, for his uncanny ability to be able to hide in plain sight in massive throngs of people via his keen understanding of people, but mostly because of his silver tongue which had become infamous for seducing, tricking, and tempting all manner of individuals who were thought to be more steadfast against temptation. Ibzan came over to America in the 1800s after America started to show promise as a fledgling nation on the world stage, and saw the puritanical and extreme conservative roots of many of the fledging communities ripe for the challenge of sowing seeds of discontent and debauchery. He was not disappointed, as the fledging nation partook in a great many conflicts and wars and civil unrest throughout its short history, with plenty of places to see and people to tempt. Whether it was in the urban east or the frontier west, Ibzan went all the America, the new land of opportunity was certainly a paradise for a Demon looking to get away from the Old World, and experience all kinds of new sensations and pleasures. He came to admire the nation so much that he hasn't left the continent since his arrival in the 1800s. Though that's not entirely true, he was extremely tempted by the World Wars, but found that the chaos over there in mainland Europe dangerous, and in any case it was so tremendous he didn't even have to leave America to taste it, so he stuck around and feed off of the war time emotions of hysteria, fear, and occasional pandemonium. He loved how the post-war period was shaping up even better though. A generation of war veterans who wanted nothing but to forget the horrors of the wars they'd enduring, along with a nation that wanted a return to normalcy only made the prospects of stirring up some fresh debauchery and trouble against such ideas all the more tempting for the old demon, and so he set out on the road looking for the appropriate place to try his luck, and as he traveled west, just as he had over a century ago, he smelled something very inviting on the winds. It tasted of conflict, encroaching chaos, but also of people seeking escape from their boring lives, the yearning for change and something to add a little spice for their otherwise plain meals. Ibzan heard Santa Somabra calling to him, and he would answer. Other: TBW [/hider]