[@gohKamikaze][@Song Book] [i][color=00a99d]"A Tavern."[/color][/i] Well that answer fell flat, a lot flatter then he was used to, it just wasn't his day. but still he smiled, chuckled and gave his head a shake. Koru felt less intimidated by the woman's icy gaze but more intrigued, most people just asked him to shove off. The sheer sarcasm made the wood elf feel like this was more of a game to see who would cave first, a game he was more then willing to play. [color=00a651]"Well I'd be a pretty poor traveler if I was unable to figure out that much, wouldn't I?"[/color] he joked taking a sip from his wine [color=00a651]"So how does one come to find a [i]tavern[/i] in the middle of no where like this?"[/color]