Miki blushed slightly at the comment. She was always sought after by many looking that her parents have found. They all came for her looks, not to see if she was a good person or not. Men would come and bring gifts.. To her parents and then just look Miki over silently. Miki was asked not to speak, like if she opened her mouth all the men would flee. They only saw her as an object to mate with to gain power and pleasure. To be honest, Miki got use to being used for pleasure, it didn’t really bother her...up until she left...Miki snapped out of thought when Vada nudged her. “Hmm..Oh, maybe, was thinking that myself. I wonder if we are going to meet the headmaster. Do you think he has much say in the school or are the rumors true and the night class is just run by the vampires?” She thinks back trying to remember anything her cousins told her about the school.