[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/956ccbf1-b15a-4a36-b623-f8d0bfa40434.jpg[/img] OZ Oz is the God of Wizards, although his religion has no official name because he is the only God worshiped on Wiz. He sends out prophecies of the future through his Prophet and it is incredibly difficult to alter a vision that has been seen or a prophecy that has been spoken and so far all of Oz's prophecies have come true without fail. He is the one who determines the amount of magic a wizard is born with and should all of his Prophets perish, Oz will lose his connection to the wizards, and no wizard will ever again be born with magic. He has always believed in the powerful helping the weak and to instill hope into those who have succumbed to despair, for survival of wizards has always been his top priority. For this reason, he adores children because they are the future of wizards. The more children a wizard has the more he favors them, and it is believed that twins/triplets/etc. are a blessing from Oz himself and the parents are generally looked upon with high respect by other wizards. Oz is a benevolent god and kind to all creatures unless he feels his wizards are threatened, and like how he taught Fai the Conqueror everything he knew about battle to destroy the rogue demons, Oz is merciless against enemies of wizardkind. The only wizard Oz communicates with is The Prophet, the current prophet being King Belzeneff Black. Oz can speak directly to his chosen prophet in both their dreams or if they go into a meditative state. They share a mindlink with the option to call to each other at any time, and when that happens they both appear in a mindscape and can interact with one another. Oz tends to choose the appearance of the mindscape depending on the impression he gets of his Prophet, such as the holy church with the religious Fai. In Belzeneff's case, Oz creates an extravagant castle with lots of sweets everywhere, loud seductive music playing, and random beautiful wizard servants hanging around his arms as he sits on a large couch and coercing Belzeneff to sit with him while they speak. With the exception of Belizano Black, Belzeneff has been his longest prophet, so Oz is incredibly fond of him despite the fact that they have different beliefs and the fact that Belzeneff is practically the exact opposite of what he believes makes a good leader. Oz can also possess his prophet's body temporarily if given consent, but the longer he has control, the longer he must rest afterwards. He will remain dormant and unable to speak to his prophet for a certain amount of time. Back on Atlantis, he was worshiped faithfully and Oz blessed many wizard families to become his potential prophet. Sadly, the demons attacked and most of them perished. The only survivor was Faith Ceres, so only her and her descendants are capable of becoming The Prophet, which is why Oz will always favor the survival of his prophet more than other wizards since there are so few of them left. He took control of Faith for years without rest in order to help the surviving wizards escape and to fend off the demons. Oz used so much power rescuing them that he was unable to help them for generations until he had gathered enough strength. and chose Faith's last descendant, Faize Ceres, as his prophet and guided him to victory. All of Belzeneff's kids have the potential of becoming the next prophet after Belzeneff's death, so Oz is extremely supportive of Belzeneff having a ridiculous amount of children. Oz can send them visions or prophecies even though he can't speak with them but they can also sometimes see into the future without him actually sending anything, although those sporadic prophecies tend to be dangerous to their health. When The Prophet receives a prophecy, both their eyes glow and Oz' symbol appears in their pupils, while the children only have their eyes glow since they are not chosen. If The Prophet's eyes are ever damaged, Oz has the power to heal their eyes. [/center]