phew, this rp is a blast from the past. I was one of the players back in the original Estermere rp, 2 years ago, that sadly did not end on a good note :/ today as I was rummaging amongst my char files on google drive, I came upon my char for Estermere and I was like, "huh, what might have happened to those guys?" And who would've thunk it? You rebooted the rp with a different name and actually managed to finish it! And now there's a second part to boot! Back then, due to various reasons, I dropped out midway and didn't join afterwards when Waeldeshore part one was up. When I came upon this thread, I was like, "I MUST join this one, even if they say it's full!" and I was getting all excited and ready to ask if I could come back, but as I scrolled down the more recent ooc posts, I realised that some problems have come up. It's good that you [@ArenaSnow] are ok now. I would hate it if this RP was lost in the realm of inactive RPs, but if inactivity and writer's block does kill this rp and if there's another reboot, do count me in :) I'll be lurking around and waiting patiently :)