[@Bright_Ops][@Kidd][@Caits][@RainbowFactory] Ashtoreth was taking out of his thought as someone, possibly a mortal, walked up to his and showed their concern. [I] Well this is surprising. [/I] he thought before speaking to the other. [color=9e0b0f]I'm fine, just a bit roughed up, that's all. No wonder I don't like places like these y'know?[/color] He joked with the stranger a little bit before having to go through the day. [color=9e0b0f] Girls in high school am I right? I figured they go after their 'Man' at this rate but sure.[/color] He remarked as he stuffed his hands into a pockets and waited for the strangers response. He didn't like this place anymore than some others might but it was nice for Ash to know that some mortals cared about other people than themselves. [color=9e0b0f]Anyway, good to meet you. My name is As-[/color] Ash covered his mistake up with a fake cough. [color=9e0b0f]Oh, sorry. My name is Eric.[/color] Ash stretched out a hand to shake the strangers. And would eventually put it back in his pocket if he denied.